Math - Gr 3

In the Math activities below, children will have an opportunity to explore rich problems, play math games and demonstrate an understanding of each of the five Math strands.

The first six activities allow students to explore engaging, multi-strand questions and games. The following three activities allow them to review strand-specific expectations.

Read/Think/Discuss - Math Before Bed

Math Before Bed by Ontario educator Jon Orr: Find strand specific thinking prompts for students to explore and think critically about mathematics.

Explore/Use/Do - Mathies Games & Virtual Manipulatives

Find games and virtual manipulatives (as math thinking tools) at

Read/Think/Do - University of Waterloo Problem of the Week

Visit this link and scroll to browse the problem archive in the grade ¾ section of the site. These problems are often working across many strands of the math curriculum and encourage critical thinking and problem solving.

Explore/Think/Do - Solve Me Puzzles

Students can play interactively with these online games exploring early algebra concepts and other critical math building blocks.

Read/Write/Solve - NRICH Problems, Games and Exploring Math

Explore problems, thinking tasks and games across many strands.

Think/Solve - YouCubed Math Tasks

Explore the open problems and thinking tasks from your grade level found here on Youcubed from Stanford University professor, Jo Boaler.

Math - Nelson Math 5 Strand Activities

Looking for a textbook review of concepts? Review, test and check your knowledge of all strands here.

Math - Thinkbook

Develop Number Sense skills with these tasks

Math - IXL

Looking to test your skills in all of the five strands? This is the website for you.