Tae J. Kwon, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Associate Professor, Transportation Engineering

Department of Civil & Env. Engineering, University of Alberta

6-281 Donadeo Innovation Center for Engineering,

9211-116 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 1H9

E-mail: tjkwon@ualberta.ca | Tel: +1.780.492.6121

Department Website: https://apps.ualberta.ca/directory/person/tjkwon 

About Dr. Tae J. Kwon

Dr. Tae J. Kwon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta. He joined the faculty in 2016, shortly after earning his award-winning Ph.D. degree from the University of Waterloo.

Dr. Kwon’s research explores location and system optimization for intelligent transportation system facilities using advanced heuristics, winter transportation and road maintenance, geographic information sciences, remote sensing in transportation, and spatial and temporal analyses of road traffic and safety, geostatistics, deep learning, and explainable AI.

In 2019, he received the Great Supervisor Award from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research for his exemplary supervisory and scholarly contributions. In 2020, he was the sole recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Early-Career Research Award, recognizing his research excellence and influence at both national and international levels. Recently, Dr. Kwon was awarded the 2024 ITS Canada Excellence in Research and Development Award by Intelligent Transportation Systems Canada for his pioneering work in AI-powered road conditions monitoring and forecasting.

Dr. Kwon currently serves on several international committees, notably as a standing member and communication coordinator of the TRB Road Weather Committee (AKR50). He is also a Standing Committee Member for the World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee 3.2 – Winter Service (Strategic Theme 3: Safety and Sustainability). His research has attracted support from diverse sponsors, including NSERC Discovery and Alliance Grants, Alberta Transportation, Iowa Department of Transportation, Maine Department of Transportation, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc., the Aurora Program, the City of Edmonton, Alberta EcoTrust, and CIMA+.

Research Interests

Dr. Tae J. Kwon's research focuses on the application of state-of-the-art geomatics and advanced (geo-)statistical methods and techniques, on evaluation and optimization of complex transportation service systems, and on the development of various decision support tools for administering and managing these systems. Dr. Kwon is particularly interested in exploring ways to effectively integrate GIS and satellite RS to the field of winter transportation research. Dr. Kwon's main research areas are as follows:

Awards and Accolades


Professional Activities

Scholarly Publications

Refereed Archival Journal and Book Chapter

Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations

Technical Project Reports