Nancy Huynh

 Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) Student

6-362 Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Alberta 


About Nancy Huynh

I completed my B.Sc in Civil Engineering at the University of Alberta in April 2023. I developed my interest in transportation engineering in my first year when I wrote my first capping exercise on a transportation engineering topic. During my undergraduate years, I had a chance to join Dr. Tae J. Kwon’s team when I worked under his supervision for my Dean’s Research Award in my third year in the program. After obtaining my bachelor's degree, I decided to pursue higher education in the Master of Science in Transportation Engineering program under Dr. Kwon's supervision. I enjoy reading, listening to music, traveling, and learning languages. 


Research Interests

Page Last Updated: 2023-May-05