Special Educational Needs at Ixworth
At Ixworth Primary we believe that everyone has the right to a high quality education which is broad and balanced. We are committed to inclusion and celebrate the diversity of our children. All of our school staff have a shared responsibility for identifying, assessing and meeting the individual needs of every child - including those with SEN.
We work effectively with children, parents, carers and other agencies and services to enable us to provide the best possible care and education for every pupil by making reasonable adjustments to our curriculum, building and grounds.
For more information about our school approach to teaching children with SEN please click on the links below.
Mrs Sophie Ling (SENDco)
What should I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?
Talk to us We are open and honest with parents and carers, and hope that they are able to be the same with us.
Firstly talk to your child's teacher or the school SENDco - Mrs Sophie Ling.
The SENDCO will oversee all the support and progress of any child requiring additional support across the school.
Please contact us via the office via the school office on - 01359 230228 or e mail ixworth@tilian.org.uk

Dare to be different week!
Click on the picture links to find the presentations that have been shared with your children on....



Handling complaints from parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) about the support the school provides
The governing body will ensure that anyone who wishes to make a complaint in relation to children with SEN, whether they have an EHC plan or not, is treated fairly, given the chance to state their case, provided with a written response (including the rationale for any decisions) and informed of their appeal rights in line with the school's complaints procedure.
In the first instance, any parent or carer with a concern about the implementation of the SEN policy should speak to their child's class teacher. If the concern is not resolved then an appointment should be made to discuss the issue with the SENCo. If parents wish to pursue a complaint they should contact the headteacher and follow the school's complaints procedure.