Whiterose Maths

At Ixworth we use Whiterose Maths as we feel that it best fits our pupils needs and it allows us to deliver lessons that will ensure progress and engagement.  

Lessons are designed to follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach and allow children of all abilities to explore maths through using and applying. A typical lesson may begin with a game or a song relating to number facts where the children will revise and build on known numbers facts for their age range, then move on to a session which uses a range of equipment (concrete) that will support children to explore concepts and strategies to really gain a deeper understanding of the area of mathematics they are learning about.

Whiterose mantra

"As we prove this to pupils and teachers alike, we’re shaping assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths. They become independent, reflective thinkers, whose skills not only liberate them in maths but also support them across the curriculum. "

The above document outlines how Whiterose links to the National Curriculum objectives and outlines how the scheme progresses through each topic and in turn year group (1 to 6).

Year 1 using frames to recall number bonds to 7

Year 2 recognising different value coins

Year 5 place value game to secure undertsanding of what each digit represents

Year 6 investigating prime numbers