
Our science curriculum has been crafted and developed to ensure  it meets with our school's vision:  

Snap Science is our chosen scheme because it aligns with our ASCEND curriculum.  

Achieving excellence, through high expectations progressing across the school in terms of both  knowledge secured and scientific skills acquired  

Seeks links, ensuring knowledge and the skills developed are developed together and can be utilised  more widely across the curriculum. Lessons are adapted to ensure the science learning is structured to  ensure prior learning can be retrieved with ease in order that future learning is possible. 

Creating memories, the scientific enquiries are relevant and exciting. they appeal to children’s natural  curiosities. Within each science lesson children have the opportunity to test their knowledge through  enquire style activities or full investigations planned and delivered by the children. This is an integral part of the lesson design with the scheme.  

Enabling everyone, the scheme is tool which teaches use to ensure the knowledge + skills  necessary to meet the expected standards in science are secure. It offers all pupils equal access  and experiences and it can be amended with ease to meet the needs of children 

Nurturing curiosity, the scheme offers opportunity for child led learning. It links to questions children  naturally ask. Each unit has a question to engage the children energy them to respond with how and  why? 

Developing the whole child, the science curriculum offers the chance to develop each child's  science cultural capital. Allowing them to experience the possible, I could be a scientist. Opening  doors for all children to wider offer and ensure precise connections with SMSC dimensions of  the curriculum and encompasses oracy skills, developing enquiring minds, encouraging reflective  learners, empowerment, co-operation and society and basic skills for life linked to science eg  nutrition 

Rock formation diagrams

Recreating the solar system

Ait resistance

Friction and velocity

Creating shadows

How light travels


Investigating materials and their properties