After School Club
We are pleased to be able to offer our After School Club Playzone Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during Term Time 3.30pm – 6pm
The cost is £10 per session, to include a tea.
Bookings to be made online via Arbor no later than 4 days before the session.
Payment to be made at time of booking, unless paying with childcare vouchers.
If a place is required in an emergency, and you have not booked, please contact the school on 01359 230228 or Please be aware that we cannot guarantee a place.
We accept children who are Reception and above
A late collection charge of £10 will be applied for every ½ hour (or part thereof) after 6pm.
If you expect to arrive later than 6.00PM for any reason please contact staff on 07933 684383
48 hours notification must be given for the cancellation of a booking, otherwise the charge of £10 will still apply.
If you would like your child to attend an After School Activity club, this must also be paid for – we will ensure your child is taken to After School Club at 4.30pm.