Our School in the words of our children
(Pupil Survey February 2022)
Pupils were asked to choose from a selection of words to describe the school. The words were made into a word cloud where the most common words chosen are larger in size.
What we like about our school..
"...the teachers. You can always talk to them no matter what."
"...I like that we have a lot of different subjects because some people like things that other people don’t like and we get a chance to do something that we like."
"... You get to see your friends and to learn a lot."
"... I like that we treat everyone the same."
"...learning new things and growing my mind."
What our children say about PE.
PE at Ixworth
"When I do sports my mind is set on doing my best and winning. All my negative thoughts are gone, I am just fixed on the game. Izadora Year 6
What our children say about English.
English at Ixworth
"In English I can let my imagination travel down to my arm into my pencil and onto the page. "
Aakash Year 6
What our children say about Music.
Music at Ixworth
I like this subject because I like listening to rhythms and I can feel my self: be free and express my emotions. Annabelle Year 6
What our children say about Art.
Art & Design at Ixworth
"You can create and design your own piece and you can be free doing your own creations. " Sharmila Year 6
What our children say about Maths.
Maths at Ixworth
"I like maths because it can challenge me ."
Emily Year 6
Collective Council meets half termly to discuss school priorities from the pupils' perspective.

This half term the Council have decided to raise money for plants for classrooms to improve our environment and to support refugees from Ukraine. They decided to hold a cake sale.
Our cake sale raised £200!
Lots of delicious cakes to choose from made by our Collective Council
Prayer tree to remember our Ukrainian friends in need.
Our Year 4 children are teaching and helping our younger pupils to make their own paper heart for the tree.
Collective Council making their decisions about plants for classes. This was one of their aims for the year. Great listening and respect for each other's ideas and compassion for the younger children in our school. Our discussion