Our Values Across the Year

Harvest Festival - Value of Generosity

We have learned about Generosity. We brought food from our cupboards at home to give to the Gatehouse Food Bank in Bury St Edmunds.

Diwali - Value of Respect

Finding out about festivals of other faith traditions and how these compare to our own.  "Diwali is like Bonfire night with all the lights." Zach Year 4.

Remembrance - Value of Respect

Anti Bullying Week - Value of Compassion

We saw what happened to a 'paper person' when we used unkind words. We practised calling this behaviour out and using kind words to build the person up again. 

Christingle - Compassion

The year 6 children planned and led our Christingle Service raising money for The Children's Society for children who are less fortunbate than ourselves. We did this because Christians believe that Jesus was born to teach us compassion. 

Christmas - Compassion 

Our children retold the story of the baby Jesus being born in the stable with our Open the Book team. 

Epiphany - Value of Courage

We learned about the courage of the 3 Kings on their journey to Bethlehem.

Our journey across the meadow to church wearing our kings crowns. It was wet and cold and we needed courage to keep going just like the kings!

Ash Wednesday - Value of Courage

as we begin the journey of Lent

Celebrating Chinese New Year - Value of Respect

Justice in our Environment - Value of Justice

Kestrels wrote and presented their own assembly using their learning from Forest Schools- see the presentation here.

Mother's Day Service - Value of Friendship

Mother's Day service led by oyur children

Poema written and read by 

year 4

Presenting our beautiful mums with their hand made flowers

Thank you to all our mums for the kindness and care you show to us