Making Calls

Making Calls

With the new RingCentral phone system we no longer need to dial "6" to call an external telephone number. You should just dial the number as you would from your mobile phone or from your home phone. Also, you do not need to include a "1" for toll calls, but if you do, the call will still go through. You will need to include the country code to make an international call.



Dial 911

From On-campus:

Dial the last four digits of the Taft telephone number (7777)

A Local Call:

Dial  860-945-7777

A Toll Call:

Dial  804-222-1111


Dial  1-804-222-1111

International Call:

Dial   011 + (country code) + (Phone number)

example:  011-44-20-74999000

How to Dial International Numbers 

Country Codes