Alertus Desktop Notifications

What is Alertus Desktop

In the event of an emergency, Alertus pushes emergency notifications to the desktop of your computer via a full-screen pop-up window that includes details of the event. Once you click "Acknowledge" the notification will disappear.

How to Install Alertus

Faculty and Staff school issued computers should already have Alertus installed.  Classroom/Public computers should also have Alertus installed. For all other computers, student computers or personal computers, you may install Alertus using the following links.

Mac OS Installer

Current Mac agent version:

Windows Installer 

Current Windows agent version:


Download and run the installer.  Then follow the prompts to complete the installation process.

Note: You may be prompted to enter your Taft network userid (ex: fsmith) and password before you can download the installer.

Once installed, Alertus will work only for computers that are on the Taft campus network.

Verify Alertus Desktop is running by checking for the Alertus icon in the "menu bar" for a Mac computer and in the "system tray" for a Windows computer.

Questions?  Contact the Taft IT Department (