Changing Passwords

New for 2021: Students should use the password change feature of Rhinonet

Instructions for changing your Taft Network passwords:

Password Requirements:

At least 12 characters     (12+ characters are recommended)

At least 1 capital letter

At least 1 number          (It is also a good idea to use characters like these: !@$%)

Password must not contain the user's account name or more than two consecutive characters from the user's full name. 

Cannot be one of the last 24 passwords you have used before

* though it is not a requirement, you should shy away from using whole dictionary words. Instead, you can change the words by leaving out vowels, or changing a letter to a number.

Here are some sample passwords that are acceptable:


lngerPasscodsRBetr3  (Longer passcodes are harder to crack - notice that words are not spelled out. Dictionary words are easier to crack)


IrhToaGp4          (acronym for the phrase "I really hate thinking of a good password)

Note:  Your network password is used to log in to your computer, TaftNet, ClassLink, PowerSchool, Veracross, Google/Gmail, and all devices that connect to wifi (iPads, Cell phones, etc.). If you have a laptop, to ensure that your password change goes as smoothly as possible, make sure that you change your password while connected to a wired network connection.

How do I change my Network password - Mac?

Faculty/Staff Mac Users: Your network password can only be changed from on campus.

How do I change my Network password - Windows?