
Taft offers 1Password, a password management software, to Staff & Faculty as part of its ongoing cyber security initiatives. The software stores and manages online credentials, generate passwords, and offers additional features such as auto-filling MFA codes, private accounts for family members, and professional development sessions for Taft employees. Using a password manager, such as 1Password, eliminates the need to memorize multiple passwords and provides added security by generating unique, highly secure passwords and alerting you to potential phishing sites. Enrollment in this service is optional, and those interested can fill out a brief survey at the provided link.

What is a password manager?

A password manager is a software application that stores and manages online credentials. It also generates passwords.

What are the benefits of using a password manager?

Taft's 1Password Login 

Faculty & Staff Only: If you would like a 1Password account (with 4 free family accounts) , please email itsupport@taftschool.org

Note: Due to privacy restrictions you need to be signed into Youtube with your Taft Gmail Account to view

Tiny Tutorial webinars 

Questions for the Onboarding team? 

Join us each Thursday at 9am PT/12pm ET for our Tiny Tutorials series where we show you the basics in under 20 minutes. Scheduling conflict? Not to worry. We'll send you the recording and key takeaways to your email.

1Password University 

Register for a free account in 1Password University and get our expert advice on building and sustaining a security-focused mindset and practices at work and home.

1Password Frequently Asked Features 

Explore our 1Password Frequently Asked Features to find more helpful tips and guidance!