Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium


The pupil premium is additional funding provided to statefunded schools in England. The aim is to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children. In 2023 to24, the pupil premium is worth a total of £2.9 billion, and around 2.2 million pupils qualify. Pupils may attract pupil premium if they are: 

• Disadvantaged, that is, they have been eligible for benefit-based free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years 

• Looked after or formerly looked after children 

• From armed services families

The pupil premium is additional funding given to schools to narrow attainment gaps between disadvantaged pupils and other pupils.  It is paid for all pupils who are eligible for free school meals, or who have claimed free meals in the last six years.

 Pupil premium plus is paid for every pupil who has left local authority care through adoption, a special guardianship order or child arrangements order.  The service premium is paid for every pupil with a parent serving in the forces or who is retired on a Ministry of Defence pension. #The rates for pupil premium are published each year and allocated on a per-pupil basis.  The rate for primary pupils in the academic year 2023 -24 is £1,455.


Academic year 2020-21 we received £21,440 pupil premium funding.

Academic year 2021-22 we received £13,450 pupil premium funding.

Academic year 2022-23 we received £18, 005 pupil premium funding.

Academic year 2023-24 we received £21,825  pupil premium funding. 


Our key objective in using the funding is to narrow the gap between pupil groups. As a school, we have a very good track record of ensuring that children make good progress. Historically, levels of attainment can be lower for some children who may be disadvantaged - this is a national trend.


Our funding has been used to improve teaching and to provide extended support and tailored interventions in order to impact on pupils' attainment and progress.  The implementation of the pupil premium strategy is monitored by the governing body to ensure that the funding is used in identifiable ways and to assess its impact on attainment and progress. 


Every child matters to us and we are whole heartedly committed to closing  the gap between those children who are disadvantaged in some way and those who are not. 


pupil premium statement 2022 (1).pdf

2022 - 2023

2021 2022 pp spend reviewed (2).pdf


Pupil_premium_strategy_statement Summerhill 2023-24.docx
