Attendance, Absence and Lates
We have high expectations for excellent attendance and punctuality of all of our families, we see poor attendance as a Safeguarding Concern.
This year following Covid absence, our attendance has dipped slightly to from 97% to 95% which remains above National Averages for this academic year. We aim for our attendance to be right back on track for the academic year 2022/23. You might spot our attendance stars on classroom doors! We display these when everybody is in our class - quarter to nine - right on time!
If a child's attendance falls below 95% the family will be contacted by the Head Teacher. There will be a half term monitoring period during which time we would expect attendance to improve.
If there is no improvement families will be invited into school to meet with the Head Teacher where improvement targets will be set. We may support families with a number of strategies including Early Help, School Nurse support or other outside agencies. . Persistent Absence plans, Attendance Panels and Legal Frameworks are also an option.
Term time holidays cannot be authorised and families may be eligible for a fine from the Local Authority if they take their children out of school.
Families who are persistently late may also be eligible for a fine. Our gate closes at 8.55 am.
Absence due to sickness will be recorded as unauthorised if we do not receive written information regarding your child's illness upon their return. You must phone school each day of your child's sickness absence. We may request medical evidence if time off for medical reasons is frequent.
As a school we will do all we can to support you if you find yourself in difficulty so please speak to us if you have any concerns.
School Opening
School is open at 8.45am each morning and closes at 3.20pm
Total opening hours 32hrs 55 mins.