Welcome to 

Year 5!

                    Welcome to Year 5 2023/2024

You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!" ― Dr. Seuss

 Class teacher - Mrs Rannard  

Teaching Assistants - Miss Mattocks and Miss Beeden

It is a pleasure to be working with the children again and they have all begun this year with a very positive attitude and a willingness to learn new things and achieve personal goals. They have shown enthusiasm and commitment to the challenges of Year 5 so far and I know they will continue to do so in the coming months.

Reading - Children should be reading a little every night and answering questions about the text to check their understanding. The children may change their reading book on a Wednesday. Even if they have not finished their book please return the reading record so we can see that your child has been reading at home and enter them into the Reading Champion draw.

Water Bottles - It is important that your child has some water to drink throughout the day. Please ensure your child has their name on their water bottle in school. This should be brought home each night to be washed and returned containing fresh water each day.

Uniform - PLEASE ensure ALL uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.

P.E. – P.E. will take place every Monday. The children are to come to school in their outdoor P.E. kit (indoor weather dependent) and when we do gymnastics (autumn 2) the children are required to wear their green/black shorts or cycle shorts which can be worn under their outdoor kit. The outdoor kit should be a plain dark tracksuit (preferably black) white Summerhill T-shirt and trainers. We will be swimming in the Spring term. 

Make and Bake - We are asking for a contribution towards all the exciting craft, art, baking or cooking activities the children will be completing as part of our Art and DT curriculum of £5 per child for the full year. Please could this be cash in a named envelope. Thank you.

Homework – This will be put on Google Classroom. The children will get 10/15   spellings each Wednesday ready for a test the following Wednesday and should be practicing their spellings every night. The children may also be given paper copies of homework to reinforce class learning.  It is imperative that the children in Year 5 know all of their times tables facts - both multiplication and division. I cannot stress how important the tables are in every area of Maths and they need to be able to recall this information with accuracy and speed. The children need to practice these so they can recite them quickly in any order and also know the corresponding division facts. Top Marks Hit the Button is a great resource for this. We will complete regular quizzes throughout the week.

Medication – Any medication required to be administered during the school day can only be done if:

●                    It has been prescribed by a medical professional

●                    It is in the packaging with the dispensary label

●                    Required forms have been completed via the school office

 If your child is asthmatic, we need to have a reliever inhaler at school.  We are not permitted to give children over the counter medicines e.g. Calpol. All medication must be delivered directly to the school office for administration

Over the counter medications cannot and will not be administered.

Attendance and Punctuality - Please ensure your child attends school and please only keep them off if absolutely necessary.   The children must be in the classroom ready to learn not later than 8.55am. The doors will be open from 8.45am.  Holidays during school time will not be authorised and parents will be referred for a penalty notice should they take their child out of school.

Monies into school - all school-based activities can be paid using SIMS pay - this is our preferred method. If you cannot do this then money must be sent in a sealed envelope clearly named and labelled.



As you are aware the children are currently learning guitar as part of our music lessons. In a few weeks the children will bring home an instrument hire agreement. The children will bring home the guitar on a Wednesday and will be expected to practice during the week and return the following Wednesday for the lesson in school.



School trips and activities;

1 night Residential to Barnstondale on the 25/26th March

The following activities have been penciled in for this academic year and more details will follow nearer the time.

Bikeability - week begining 29/4/2024  (no charge) The children must be able to ride a bike to take part in this activity as the session is around bike maintenance and road safety.

Please keep up to date with what’s going on in our school - use our website and twitter account!


Website - www.summerhillprimary.com   Twitter -   @SummerhillL31

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at; lrannard@summerhillprimary.com  or by calling the school office on  0151 526 1343.

Many thanks,


Mrs Rannard  and the Year 5 team