Welcome to Reception!
Welcome to Year Reception 2022/23
"If you want children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales!" ― Albert Einstein
Class teacher - Mrs Livesley Teaching Assistants - Miss Newsham, Mrs Taylor
1:1 Teaching Assistants - Miss O’Donnell
The children have had a fantastic start to Reception class. They have settled well and are making friends. We have already established lots of routines which the children are taking in their stride. We are really looking forward to seeing them flourish in the coming months.
Reading - Children will be issued reading books in the coming weeks. Books will be levelled according to ability and will initially be picture books. Picture books are important for developing comprehension and inference skills and time should be taken to talk about the pictures. They will then progress onto books linked to their phonetic knowledge. Children should be reading a little every night and answering questions about the text to check their understanding. The children will change their reading book every Wednesday. Even if they have not finished their book please return the reading record so we can see that your child has been reading at home and enter them into the Reading Champion draw.
Children DO NOT need water bottles unless attending an after school sports club, in this case they should be kept in book bags until after school. Juice is not permitted in school. During the school day children have permanent access to drinking water and milk.
Uniform - PLEASE ensure ALL uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name. Iron on labels fall off over time and pen washes out so please keep checking. We are already gathering a collection of unlabelled cardigans and jumpers in class.
P.E. – P.E. will take place every Wednesday. The children are to come to school in their tracksuit and PE T-Shirt. In warm weather the children can wear their green/black shorts or cycle shorts. The kit should be a plain black tracksuit white Summerhill T-shirt and trainers. Please DO NOT send children in shoes with laces if they are not able to fasten them independently.
Homework – This will be phonics and letter formation practise reinforcing letters learned that week in school. Please ensure that with any written work correct pencil grip is encouraged and that children are supported and supervised to ensure all letters are formed correctly. Getting it right now ensures the children don’t develop bad habits. Homework will be collected every Wednesday and issued every Thursday. Please keep homework in the homework file that has been issued. Maths challenges will also be sent out but these will be largely practical. All homework will be on Google Classroom.
Medication – Any medication required to be administered during the school day can only be done if:
It has been prescribed by a medical professional
It is in the packaging with the dispensary label
Required forms have been completed via the school office
If your child is asthmatic, we need to have a reliever inhaler at school. We are not permitted to give children over the counter medicines e.g. Calpol. All medication must be delivered directly to the school office for administration. Over the counter medications cannot and will not be administered.
Attendance and Punctuality - Please ensure your child attends school and please only keep them off if absolutely necessary. The children must be in the classroom ready to learn not later than 8.55am. The doors will be open from 8.45am. Holidays during school time will not be authorised and parents will be referred for a penalty notice should they take their child out of school.
Monies into school - all school based activities can be paid using SIMSpay - this is our preferred method. If you cannot do this then money must be sent in a sealed envelope clearly named and labelled. Please keep up to date with what’s going on in our school - use our website and twitter account!
Website - www.summerhillprimary.com Twitter - @SummerhillL31
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at; hlivesley@summerhillprimary.com or by calling the school office on 0151 526 1343.
Many thanks,
Mrs Livesley and the Reception team.