Attendance, Absence and Lates

Attendance and Punctuality

Regular and punctual school attendance is important.

Pupils need to attend school regularly if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by law.

We fully recognise our responsibilities to ensure pupils are in school and on time, therefore, having access to learning for the maximum number of days and hours.

The school sees 96% attendance or above as the target for all pupils and regularly monitors this to ensure no child is 'missing out' from being unnecessarily absent from or late for school.

If a child's attendance falls below 95% the family will be contacted by the Attendance Lead / Headeacher. There will be a half term monitoring period during which time we would expect attendance to improve.

If there is no improvement families will be invited into school to meet with the schools' Attendance Panel where improvement targets will be set. We may support families with a number of strategies including Early Help, School Nurse support or other outside agencies, Persistent Absence plans, Attendance Panels and Legal Frameworks are also an option. This may eventually lead to the serving of a penalty notice.

Poor attendance or poor punctuality can be signs of safeguarding or neglect issues and will be dealt with support if needed but also the expectation that it is parent responsibility to give their child the best life chance and teach them that good attendance and punctuality are life and work skills.

Our gate closes at 8.55 am.

Absence due to sickness will be recorded as unauthorised if we do not receive information regarding your child's illness. You must phone school on day one of your child's sickness absence. You are then to phone to update school on day 3 if your child is still unwell. We may request medical evidence if time off for medical reasons is frequent.

As a school we will do all we can to support you if you find yourself in difficulty so please speak to us if you have any concerns.


It is important for parents / carers to note that the Headteacher will not authorise ANY leave of absence unless the school feels the circumstances are unavoidable and exceptional. It is up to the Headteacher and Governors to decide what is considered 'exceptional'

There are 175 non school days in a year to go on holiday, spend time with your wider family, shop for uniform and shoes, visit the dentist, etc