Welcome to Year 6!

Welcome to Year 6 2023/24

                                       "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” 

                     Nelson Mandela

                                                                             Staff- Mrs Padilla, Mrs Walker, Mrs Lewis

The children have worked really hard this term and have been progressing well. This term we have plenty to be getting on with. We have the Year 6 performance to look forward to 0n 10th /11th July and then straight after we will be off on our three days adventure to Barnstondale on 17th July! I am hoping we can fit in a trip to Crosby             beach and enjoy some Land Art and maybe an ice cream if the weather is good. 

SATS week begins on Monday 13th May so we will be working on improving our skills in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and word problems. Maths and Reading Clubs will         continue until the end of SATs week.

These are the dates for SATs this term - Please ensure NO holidays are booked during this time


English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions

English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling


English Reading


Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning


Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

CGP Books to revise and help with SATS



https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zv48q6f/year/zncsscw - Grammar

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/year/zncsscw - Grammar


www.mymaths.co.uk   - lots of activities, practise questions and lessons to go over.


https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/22026   - TTRockstars

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/interactive.aspx?cat=20 - Top Marks games and activities


Reading - We are lucky to have an excellent variety of books in our library and children are welcome to take these home. Children should be reading a little every night.          If possible please take some time to read with your child as this can be very rewarding.

Water Bottles - It is important that your child has some water to drink throughout the day. Please ensure your child has their name on their water bottle in school. This should be brought home each night to be washed and returned containing fresh water each day (no other drinks permitted).

Uniform - PLEASE ensure ALL uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children in Year 6 should be setting an example to the rest of the school, especially their buddies, so proper school uniform should be worn at all times.

P.E. -  Please ensure that PE kits are kept in school at all times. The indoor kit consists of green shorts, white Summerhill T-shirt and black pumps. The outdoor kit should be a plain dark tracksuit and trainers.

Homework – Three pieces of homework will be sent home on a Monday and it is to be returned for the following Monday. The children will also get spellings each Wednesday ready for a test the following week. All children should be reading every night and should be practising their times tables every night so they can use them in their daily basic skills during maths sessions.

Times Tables  - It is imperative that the children in Year 6 know all of their times tables up to 12. I cannot stress how important the tables are in every area of maths in Year 6 (algebra, fractions, multiplications, division, ratio, area and volume of shapes) and they need to be able to recall this information with accuracy and speed. They need to practise these so they can recite them quickly in any order and also know their division facts. 

Medication – Any medication required to be administered during the school day can only be done if:

●                    It has been prescribed by a medical professional

●                    It is in the packaging with the dispensary label

●                    Required forms have been completed via the school office

 If your child is asthmatic, we need to have a reliever inhaler at school.  We are not permitted to give children over the counter medicines e.g. Calpol. All medication must be delivered directly to the school office for administration.  Over the counter medications cannot and will not be administered.

Attendance and Punctuality - Please ensure your child attends school and please only keep them off if absolutely necessary. Also, the children must be on the playground ready for the school bell at 8.55am. The doors will be open from 8.45am enabling the children to be settled in class, ready for the school day to start.  

Website and Permission forms - Our website and twitter account is updated regularly with news of what the children have been doing at school. Photos are put on regularly.  If you have any changes to the permission that you may/may not have given for photographs on the website or in newspapers, please let me know and we will amend our records.

Year 6- Homework Timetable 


Given Out Due In  


Maths, Reading Comprehension and SPAG                                                   Monday following week

Wednesday Wednesday following week



Monies into school - all school based activities can be paid using SIMSpay - this is our preferred method. If you cannot do this then money must be sent in a sealed envelope clearly named and labelled. Please keep up to date with what’s going on in our school - use our website and twitter account!


 Website - www.summerhillprimary.com   Twitter -   @SummerhillL31

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at cpadilla@summerhillprimary.com  or by calling the school office on  0151 526 1343.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ask. If we can't see you straight away, we will arrange a convenient time.



Many thanks,

Mrs Padilla and the Year 6 team.