School Opening and Closing Times
School Opening and Closing Hours
Arrival in the morning
The school gates onto the playground will open at 8.45am. Children go straight into class. Reception parents take their child to the classroom
The main gates are the access for Reception, ,Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children. The door near Grange Park is the access for Year 1 and Year 2 .
All doors to the classrooms open at 8.45am and all children can go straight to class.
We expect all children to be in class for registration at 08:55am
All school gates will close at 8.55am and entry to school will then only be via the office.
Children are identified as late if they are not in class 10 minutes after their official start time. We place great value on being punctual and expect children to be on time. We appreciate that on rare occasions something may happen causing you to be late. Please inform school.
Registers are taken each morning and afternoon and close promptly 10 minutes after a year groups start time and then 5 minutes after a year groups start time in the afternoon.
Pupils arriving after these times will be marked as 'late'. Any children arriving after these times should report to the school office. The register will be amended with an acceptable explanation regarding the late arrival.
Closing at the end of the day
The school gates will open at 3:10 pm
The finishing time is 3:20pm
Children in Reception and KS1 are collected from their respective areas in front of their classrooms.
Children in Year 3 and Year 4 are collected from the playground.
Children in Year 5 and Year 6 can be met by the gates opposite their classrooms.
Children who are collected late repeatedly will be reminded by letter of the collection times and if they continue to be collected late then parents will be requested to meet with governors.
If you are running late, please contact the school office as soon as you can on 0151 526 1343.