Welcome to Year 1!

Welcome to Year 1

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” – Dr. Seuss

Staff - Class teacher - Mrs Rogers Teaching Assistants - Mrs Collins & Ms Owens

Reading - Children should be reading at home every night and answering questions about the text to check their understanding. Children will be given two new reading books every Friday. It is important that these books are read at home during the weekend and throughout the week. Read Write Inc lessons are based on the books that have been sent home, so it is essential that children have read their book at home before their first lesson on a Monday. Please ensure that a comment is recorded in the reading record book so we can see that your child has been reading at home and enter them into our class reading challenge.

We have an excellent range of books in our class library and children are also welcome to take these home to read too.

Water Bottles - It is important that children bring a water bottle into school every day. Please ensure that the water bottle is clearly marked with their name. Water bottles will be sent home each night to be washed and should be returned the following day containing fresh water (children are not permitted to have juice or flavoured water in their water bottles).

Snacks/Packed Lunches - Children are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack for morning break time. Ideally this should be fruit or vegetable sticks. As a healthy school we discourage children bringing crisps, chocolate or biscuits on a daily basis. We do not permit sweets or chocolate bars for snack. Please do also be aware of the sugar content in cereal bars.

In Year 1 we have access to free fruit and vegetables each day for snack, provided through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS). This is a government programme that entitles every child in England, aged 4-6 in fully state-funded schools to a piece of fruit or vegetable each school day. Children have access to these free fruit/vegetables every morning and afternoon.

Uniform - Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name. The correct uniform should be worn at all times (please see the Uniform Policy for further details).

P.E. - P.E. will take place every Friday. The children are to come into school wearing their outdoor P.E. kit (Plain black tracksuit, plain white t-shirt and trainers. When we do gymnastics (Autumn- term 2) children are required to wear their black shorts under their outdoor kit. All jewellery and earrings must be removed for P.E. lessons.

Homework - Homework will be posted on Google Classroom every Friday. Children will be given one piece of maths homework, two reading books, spellings (tested on a Friday) and if applicable RWI sounds practice sheets. Homework is due in on the following Thursday and should be submitted via Google Classroom.

Medication - Any medication required to be administered during the school day can only be done if:

  • It has been prescribed by a medical professional

  • It is in the packaging with the dispensary label

  • The required forms have been completed via the school office

Over the counter medications cannot and will not be administered – e.g. Calpol.

If your child is asthmatic, we need to have a reliever inhaler in school.

All medication must be given to the school office for administration.

Attendance and Punctuality - Please only keep your child off school if absolutely necessary.

Children must be in the classroom and ready to learn no later than 8:55am. The doors will be open from 8:45am to relieve some of the parking issues and allow a calmer start to the day.

Holidays during school time will not be authorised and parents will be referred for a penalty notice should they take their child out of school.

Monies Into School - all school based activities can be paid using SIMSpay - this is our preferred method. If you cannot do this, then money must be sent in a sealed envelope clearly named and labelled.

Please keep up to date with what’s going on in our school - use our website and twitter account!

Website - www.summerhillprimary.com Twitter - @SummerhillL31

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at; arogers@summerhillprimary.com or by calling the school office on 0151 526 1343.

Many thanks,

Mrs Rogers and the Year 1 team.