Admission Arrangements

Admissions Arrangements


If you would like a place for your child here at Summerhill, this section contains some of the key information that you require. However parents need to contact the Local Authority to find out about the admission and appeal arrangements.

All admissions are dealt with by Sefton Admissions Department and they handle all enquiries about whether we have places available in specific year groups and also handle all applications.

You must make your application via the Admissions Section, Children's Services, Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle. L20 7AE or telephone 0151 934 3131/3290.

Applications for starting in Reception in September 2025

The Headteacher runs regular tours for prospective parents of children starting in Reception. These tours usually last an hour and aim to give prospective parents a deeper insight into the life and philosophy of the school as well as seeing the respectful relationships and caring  atmosphere there is at Summerhill.

Further information about tours can be gained by contacting the office on 0151 526 1343.

We have 30 places in Reception classes for September 2025. There is 1 class with 30 children. There is a teacher and a full-time teaching assistant in our Reception class.

Application for admissions must be completed online at or you can request a form from Sefton Admissions Department.  The application process will be explained in your letter from Sefton, which you should receive the September before your child is due to start school.

You must apply via the Local Authority where you reside.Please click on the link to view Knowsley Local Authority Schools Admissions page - 

The closing date for applications is TBC.

The Admissions Criteria for September 2024 was a s follows:- 

 After the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan which names the school and where there are more applications than places available, the following admissions criteria will be applied in order, to allocate places. 1) Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order). 

* 2) Sibling - Children who have a brother or sister living in the same house who already attends the primary school of their choice, provided they will still attend the school in September 2024. Sibling is defined in these arrangements as step-children, foster children and half-brothers and sisters, adopted brothers and sisters or children of the parent(s)/carer(s)’s partner, living in the same family unit at the same address.

 3) Children of staff where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the admission application for the school is made, and/or where the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.  Parent(s)/carer(s) must state the employee’s name on their admission application form. Details will be validated by the school. 

4) Distance - Children in order, of proximity of their home to school, measured as per the tie breaker clause shown below. *See glossary for full definition on Sefton's admissions website. 

Tie Breaker Clause - If it is not possible to offer places for all applications within any criteria then priority will be given to those living closest to the school measured by the shortest walking distance from the child’s home. We will measure from the property’s address point, to the nearest school gate (using recognised routes known to the Local Authority at the time of measurement). 

If you would like a place for your child and they are currently attending another school.

All admissions are dealt with by Sefton Admissions Department and they handle all enquiries about whether we have places available in specific year groups and also handle all applications.

You must make your application via the Admissions Section, Children's Services, Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle. L20 7AE or telephone 0151 934 3131/3290.

Arrangements for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

In accordance with the SEND code of practice, it is anticipated that the majority of pupils with special educational needs will be able to have their needs met within their local mainstream school.

As a Sefton primary school we will meet our legal obligation to admit a pupil who has a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEND) that names the school in his or her EHCP. You can get detailed information on Sefton's special educational services from the SEN and Inclusion Team at theTown Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle L20 7AE (Telephone 0151 934 3250 or 0151 934 3252