
I chose to make my sgraffito of a tree with a design around and in it. I started by making my sgraffito on a scratchboard and figuring out what I wanted to do. I then scratched it on the the clay itself and ired it for the first time, I put gloss on the clay and fired it again for a shiny smooth product. I chose to create mine as a triangle just because I wanted mine to be unique and I chose the tree because I thought it fit the shape of my clay tile.

I used a fairly symmetrical design for my tile as well as using a lot of straight lines to portray the image that I wanted from it. I used different tools to scratch out my design and to create different thicknesses of lines. I changes some minor design points in my drawing, like adding some extra lines to fill in the empty space that was not used in the original scratchboard.

I think the meaning behind the tree is that I find this tree so normal to me and I see it all the time where I live and around there. I is something that I find interesting and that is why I chose to use it. I think I could have made a more intricate and advanced design around. I think that I used too many straight lines in my design and should have incorporated something else.