Linoleum Prints

The subject of my linoleum prints is a car that I took a photo of at a car show. The way that I made this drawing was by making the photo black and white as well as adjusting the shadow of the photo to make it darker and only show black and white and no gray. I made the work by carving the photo onto a linoleum block and then using ink to print it onto paper. I chose to create this photo because I liked the shadow in the photo already and how it was portrayed.

One thing that I did throughout my prints was when I was rubbing the ink onto the paper I made sure to do it firmly so I could minimize the amount of splotches in my prints. One major thing that I changed multiple times was the amount of ink that I applied to the print, if I didn’t apply enough then there would be white spots but if I applied too much then there would be splotches of ink.

I chose to make this because I love cars and I especially like this this photo because I got to experience this one in person and I can relate more to this picture. I think that I could have made some better prints that were clearer but I am happy with the outcome of the print itself.