Time Capsule

Title: A Time Capsule

Size: 3x3


This piece is called A Time Capsule. This art is supposed to represent a piece of me (self portrait), an image of my past, and an image of my future. For the self portrait I chose to draw a section of my hand. I love my hands and all the hard work they allow me to do. For the object of my past I chose to draw an old CD I used to listen to on repeat as a little girl. For the object of my future I drew my passport. My goal in the future is to keep exploring the world.

For all three pieces, I sketched with graphite on colored light brown pastel paper. I then inked all three pieces to look similar in style. They all focus on only a section of the object to give perspective. I had a hard time coming up with objects to represent my past and future, however when I found what I wanted to draw, I enjoyed getting into the details. I chose small frames for the three pieces so I could zero in on the details. The passport was especially small and detailed.

My next steps for these three pieces could be to put more depth in each image through further inking; possibly with white and grays.