Sustained Investigation #13

Title: Together

Size: 12.75" x 8.75"


This piece pictures multiple female bodies connected together through line work. I wanted to work with colors and repetition of movements and shapes to form the female body. The theme in this piece is the connection between women that has often been represented in stories throughout history. It's thought that women have/can have a spiritual connection just through their femininity. In this piece, I wanted to show the contrast between how women can have this inner connection, while also being individual.

I started with using a magenta pen/fine point marker to create the female figures on thick print paper. I then used india ink to fill in the space around the figures with yellow and orange. Behind the orange, I filled the space with light blue gouache paint. Over the yellow halo of sorts around the figures, I added gold acrylic for some shine. In the blue background, I used a darker blue pencil to form small symbols: vesica pisces'.

I chose to use the symbols in the background after I thought I had finished the piece. Since I wanted to focus on connection by femininity, I decided to add the vesica pisces in the background. This shape is a very well known geometric shape and has been used to symbolize fertility and sexuality. I placed the symbols around the background in differing sizes and positions. I then added a hint of red inside or around the each symbol. Red is also used as a symbol of fertility and sexuality. I am considering adding this piece to a larger piece to spread it out more, but I'm not sure what it would be yet.