Doodle for Google

Title: Don't Forget to Kiss your Grandma

Size: 4'' x 6.5''


This piece is a doodle for the Doodle for Google contest. The prompt was "I show kindness by..." I chose to draw a grandmother and her granddaughter as the two "O"s, because as we get older, we don't have as much time to dedicate to our families. I wanted to show kindness by showing family that spends time with each other.

For this piece, I used colored pencils. I decided to make the faces bright and colorful to follow the google letters. I also did the Google letters the same colors that they always are.

First I was going to do a sketch that included all of the letters, but in the end, I decided to keep it simple.

For a next step, I would add more color and depth with acrylic or markers.