Scholastics #1

Title: Follow her Lines

Size: 10'' x 8''

Statement: This piece is one of my first attempts at photography. I wanted to show femininity through real life model and accentuate that by painting on the model. The point of this was to place attention on female characteristics in the body.

I used white acrylic paint to paint on my model who was nude. For lighting I used a dark room and only let a filter of natural light from outside through the window to shine on the model. I then used an iphone camera (because my nice camera wasn't working), to take photos of my subject as she sat in different positions.

I originally wanted the images to be in black and white to focus on the shapes of the body, rather than every colored detail. However, because of the low lighting, the image came out very red which I liked even more than black and white. Red is often a color of femininity and sexuality, so I thought it was perfect. After I went through all of the photos and picked which ones I liked, I added red borders to continue the red theme.