Arrive Alive

Title: Under the Bottle

Size: 11'' x 9''


This piece was done for the Arrive Alive contest. I wanted to show how alcohol can drown out people's intelligence in situations. In the piece you can see a beer bottle pouring out beer that is taking and drowning a car and it's driver. I did the piece in a cartoon-sih style to focus on the content not the details. I also included text that says: "It's all fun and games until someone drives drunk" and "be smart and arrive alive."

For materials, I used Gouache paint and ink pens. I started with sketching out the piece and then used the gouache to give it color and depth. I did it in a cartoon style that includes blocky color sections. When I was done with the gouache paint, I went in with ink pens and created black borders around each color block and added details. The text was also done with black ink pen. Last, I did the background with Gouache. I decided to do it red so it stood out. I've been exploring this style of art a lot recently and I've really been enjoying it.