Beautiful Oops

Title: Little Duck

Size: 10x7


This piece is called Little Duck. I was given a piece of paper with ink splatters on it and I immediately saw a duck. This object doesn’t exactly relate to my life, however I have to admit I love little, fuzzy ducklings.

Other than the ink that was already on the paper, I used graphite to lightly sketch the duck around the splattered ink. Then I fine point, colored pens to do small detail in the duckling such as the wings, beak, and legs. I then used sharpie marker to color the rest of the duckling. For the water, I used a mix of blue pen and watercolor. The blue pen bleed into the water color, unintentionally, however I like the inky effect it gave. For the yellow background, I also used watercolor. I planned on using marker for the whole image so it would be vivid, however I didn’t have access to the materials so I used to watercolor for everything other than the duck and I like how it ended up. I rarely use markers and bright colors, so I wanted to step out of my comfort zone.

My next steps for this piece of art could be to now go over the watercolor with brighter markers and give it the effect I originally was looking for.