Sustained Investigation #5

Title: Three Ladies in the Light

Size: 9'' x 12''


This piece shows three women (or one woman) in a series of three different poses. The two circles counterbalancing the image are meant to represent a moon and a sun. After the small female body sketches, contrasted with the beauty standard collage from my last piece, I decided to show female “imperfections” and the beauty around the female body.

On watercolor paper, I did a light wash with watercolor for the background. I then sketched the figures and inked them with black pen. Using Gouache paint, I then painted the female figures, first with light colors, then getting darker, eventually using bright red to show shadow. I used the same paint to do the sun and moon. I wanted to stay away from actual flesh colors and keep it colorful and in red tones. I then went back in with the yellow watercolor and made the background darker around the figures, fading out to the border.

This piece was inspired by some works I’ve seen from a certain studio that focuses on female bodies, however with different colors and shapes. Following that as inspiration, I focused this piece on a more modern approach to showing the female body.

For a next step, I want to go bigger and continuing using contemporary styles.