Linear Perspective

Linear Perspective 11/14/18

For these project I had to draw from perspective. The first one I started with was the different shapes. This was to learn how to connect everything to the horizon point, making the shapes from your perspective. I had to use a ruler to make sure every line was connected and straight. The second one I did was a room. I started off with the back wall. Then the smaller details like the floor and ceiling. After I added The shapes of he pole, windows, table, shelf, and other things. Then I added the 3D look to them. Then after I shaded them in then traced with with a marker. If I could revise my work I would want to add more detail to the windows. I would want to add a frame. Another thing I would want to change is the chairs. I wasn't very good at drawing them. I only made one design of it. The last drawing I made was of the school hallway. It was more complex to make because I didn't ask for help. It was much harder because of the different shapes that stuck out the wall and different openings. I changed many different shapes and lengths of the lines attached to the horizon line. After finishing I traced over the lines to make it darker. If I could revise my drawing I would want to change the perspective because not all the lines were where I liked them. But it think it turned out pretty good.