Beautiful Oops

Giovanni 17 September, 2018

This drawing was a fun project to do because of the limitless ideas that I could have worked from. This drawing is called a Beautiful Oops because it started out as a piece of paper with a few ink splatters on it. I was told to make a drawing that was formed around the ink, and make the splatters into something beautiful. I decided after a few moments of consideration that I would draw a volcano spewing flaming rocks. The "rocks" were really just the bigger ink splatters that I transformed into the chunks of stone.

About halfway through my project my drawing didn't start looking the way I pictured it. So I made it look a bit more abstract and blended more colors together. If I had more time I would have made my lines darker and try to make my drawing look more realistic. This type of drawing style makes your mind think more and opens up your imagination to better and cooler ideas. Next time I would try to have more time to think of ideas and take more time on such a fun project.

I chose to draw a volcano because even though there are rough moments or troubles in your life, it will always settle down. This was a fun concept and I loved how it sparked your imagination. This project was very cool to do because of the many ideas that I could have done with those few ink splatters instead of the volcano. I hope that I will be able to do more Beautiful Oops and try to make another fun picture.