Foundations of Art

Art Class Reflection

My overall experience in Foundations was pretty good, I feel like I got better as the year went on and I learned new things that I hadn’ learned in art class before. I think my work shows my strengths and weaknesses, because if you look at my self portrait compared to the shoes or the candy still life, I think that the shoes and the candy still life are better because one of my weaknesses I feel is drawing people and facial features, because it is very hard for me to match them but I do think I have gotten better at drawing people and facial features just by looking at the time capsule drawing self portrait and the last self portrait I did the last one looks a lot better. Some of my strengths I think are painting and like collages because I feel like they always turn out better than when I do people.

I am most proud of my candy still life which I chose M&Ms and drew part of the wrapper with regular and peanut M&Ms spilling out of the package. I think this is the one I am most proud of, because it looks the most like my reference I used and I really like M&Ms so this one would be the one I am most proud of. I am also proud of the oil pastel unit we did I chose the duck instead of a picture of someone because I thought I would try something new I hadn’t done before, because we had don a lot of things with a grid and matching color and I did a Common Goldeneye and I think it turned out really good.

The thing that was most challenging for me was probably the scratchboard even though it was fun it was hard to not scratch too much away or make it look like there were different ranges of color other than just pure white. Also I didn’t have many images that I took myself that would work for the project so the picture I ended up picking was mostly black so it was challenging to make it look like the whole thing wasn’t black. Lastly I think my work shows that I have improved, because from the beginning in my art I would choose the easy things or do something small but I think that now at the end I have chosen some more creative things. Also in the beginning you can see the grids where we used grids and how it looks like I colored box by box but near the end it got better to where the grids are less visible which also makes my work look a lot better I think if you can’t see the grids.