Linear Perspective

School hallway


2 point perspective


1 point perspective


One Point Perspective Room


In my art you can see that in the one point perspective room and the perspective cubes that I did not color anything in I just left it in pencil, and on the school hallway you can see that I colored in some parts of it to make it look more like the hallway that I took a picture of. I chose this hallway because it had a bunch of different things to draw on it like doorways and pictures. For my cubes I chose to do regular squares because I am just learning how to make cubes so I thought it would be easier. For the room drawing I chose to draw this because in class the teacher was showing how to draw certain things so I drew them like she was.

I used a 2h or 4h pencil to draw the things and I used a ruler to make sure my lines were straight. For my room I only used pencil as well as the cubes from 1 point and 2 point perspective. For my school hallway drawing I used fine tip pens, sharpie, different shades of graphite pencil, and watercolor.

First on all of my drawing I started with pencil and drew lightly so that I could erase any mistakes, and I used a ruler to make straight lines and make them connect to the view point. For my school hallway drawing after I drew everything in pencil I went over it in black pen, and then for the floor tile I used sharpie and for one door, I used watercolor on the ceiling tiles, and I used graphite pencils and blended it with the tortillans to make the shadow of where the doorways are. My project evolved a lot because my finsihed drawing was my second drawing because on the first one not all of my lines were connected to my view point and they weren't all straight. For the room I had to redraw the chairs a couple times to make them look like they weren't in the wall. For the one point and two point perspective cubes this is my first drawing I don't have my redo pictures of them but my second ones look a lot better. My next steps could be for the hallway to make the hallway not look so zoomed in because in my refrence picture it is not as close up, for the cubes I could make them look a little more square, and for the room I could make my lines straighter like the windows and make the chairs at the table.