
In my art you can see that I made a lobster and also a buoy. I chose to make a lobster, because lobster is one of my favorite foods, and I thought it would be a good thing to do because lobsters really represent Maine and make me think of the summer. I chose a buoy to go with the lobster after having many other ideas I was going to make a lobster trap but I didn't have all the materials for, then I was going to make some side dishes that you would often have with lobster for example potato, corn, and butter, but I ended up making this buoy which looks pretty good with the lobster.

I made my lobster starting with pieces of cardboard to make the shape of a lobster, and tinfoil to make it 3d, I also wrapped the lobster in red tissue paper so it was all red, and some red cardstock to put on top of to act like the shell. I also used some wire to help the claws be more sturdy. To make the legs I used tinfoil and tissue paper. I used two black beads for it's eyes, and a red pipe cleaner for its antenna. For the buoy I used to plastic cups and painted them in stripes I did white, light blue, peach, and a dark blue, for the stick on it I just painted it white.

I started by drawing out the lobster shape on cardboard and then I put some thick pieces of tinfoil on both sides of it to make it fatter or 3d and once I thought it was he right thickness, I wrapped it in tissue paper. To give the lobster some texture and make it look like it has a shell I then cut out some cardstock pieces for the claws and the tail and top of it, after that I made the legs by wrapping up some tinfoil and putting some red tissue paper on it. For the eyes I found some black beads I had and for the antenna I cut up a pipe cleaner and glued it on. My project evolved a lot because when I first strated making it I wasn't quite sure how I was going to cover it all but then I reaized I could wrap in tissue paper which made it look a lot better. My next steps could be to make some deatailing on the big shell part because it looks kind of plain right now.