Ceramics II

Final Reflection:

I think that my experience in ceramics II was successful I really liked that it was less technique-based and more individualized. In ceramics II I learned that I like making functional pieces more than decorative pieces. So most of my pieces are functional because I wanted to have a use for them after class. In class, I really like that there are not strict deadlines for projects because everyone is making things at varying difficulties so it's nice that we don't have to stress about getting a project done for a certain date. In terms of what I would like to see done differently, I just wish that people would put things back where they got them, especially the paint brushes because I always had a hard time finding the right paint brush to glaze my project but other than that I think the class was run pretty good.

The hardest thing for me taking this class was coming up with ideas of things to make, I have always struggled with coming up with good quality ideas. I think this year I learned that when I'm struggling with an idea to try something food-related because I did that for my teapot and for my duality project and it worked out well.

My favorite project this year was probably my artist research cup I love how it is functional but it also has some design and texture to it where it still looks cool but is also functional. My least favorite was my teapot I envisioned the colors of it to be different especially for the mint ice cream it is a lot darker than I wanted it to be. I think that is just because I used underglaze, but other than the colors of it I think it turned out okay.