Gelli Prints

Gelli Prints 1/3


Gelli Prints 2/3


Gelli Prints 3/3


In my gelli prints you can see that I used leafs to make the prints, but you can also see in my second one all of the lines on the leaf, on the third one the leaf is very faint but it is the ghost print so you only see a little bit depending on how much paint was on the gelli. In the first one it is just the outline of the leaf in purple and the leaf itself is white that's why I extended that one

We used soft brayers to roll the ink out on a tray then we rolled the ink onto the gelli squares. To extend one of my leafs I made upside down triangles all over the leaf then, I used watercolor because it is bright and I thought it would make the leaf look cooler since before it was just white. After I painted it in watercolor I used pen to draw lines on it to make a pattern int he triangles.

In class we made gelli prints by rolling paint on gelli squares and then put leaves on them and put paper over that so it would show the leaf on the paper and we did three sets of three. After they were dry we chose one leaf that we wanted to extend. My projects evolved because the leaf I chose there was a lot of white space so I could do whatever I wanted in it and now it looks a lot better because it is all colorful. My next steps could be to extend the outside of the border because the rest of the paper is just blanks white paper, and it might look better if the rest of the page had something on it.