Mixed Media

basketball size: 14x12

Value strip size: 10x1

In my work you can see in the top left that there is three value strips the top one is graphite, the middle one is charcoal, and the bottom one is ink. The big picture on the right is a basketball that I took a picture of and then I drew it. I didn't chose to make the value strip I had to make it but I chose to make the basketball as my picture for mixed media.

for my values strips I used graphite from 4h to 6b and I blended it with a tortillon, for the charcoal I used charcoal and I blended it with my fingers. For the basketball I mostly used chracoal pencils but for the darker spots I used a charcoal nub, and for the lines and letters on the ball I used ink because those were the darkest spots. I also used white charcoal for the highlights.

For the graphite and charcoal value strips I just shaded on the paper with the charcoal and graphite and then blended it. For the ink values strip I used the stippling method and just made dots all over it, the least amount of dots are on the left and the most amount of dots are on the right. For the basketball I started by making a frid on my refrence picture and on my drawing paper then I started drawing sqyare by square. when I was finished drawing I added highlights with white charcoal. My basketball evolved a lot becaue before it did not look like a basketball while I was drawing it but now it looks like my picture. My next steps for the basketball could br to make the ball darker and the background a little lighter. My next steps for the value strips is to make them a little neater especially the ink one is very messy.