Foam Modelling

Foam modelling - Blue foam 

Making a foam model helps us to check and develop our design, letting us to create more efficient product. Big companies, like Dyson use blue foam modelling as well.  


Before making any foam model I needed to sketch out the design that I wanted to make. I used A4 paper to sketch my design. After finishing one design sketch I traced it for my 2 other layers. 

I used a ruler, fine line pen (0.3) and a pencil.

My final sketches

Cutting - outline

I glued the finished sketch onto the foam and cut ONLY the overall outline of the design. I wore a safety goggle and an apron to protect myself from cutting myself. Next, I cut the foam into three part - for each front, middle and back layer

Cutting - each layers 

After cutting the big piece into 3 different layers, I then started to cut each in a different shape to complete my design + filing to make the surface smooth.

Second layer is cut following the shape of mosquito coil to put it in. 

To cut the inside part of my layers, I made a little path for the saw to go in.

Then, I stuck all the layers together using two sided tape, and below is the final product of my foam model.

It turned out pretty good, just as I imagined how my design would look as 3D model.