3D rendering 

Since I have finished several 2D digital rendering, now it's time to level up to '3D' rendering. This project will help me to learn how a light source will reflect off the surface of different shapes.

Importing image

This 3D rendering's sketch will be the outline of the shapes I created using Onshape. To export the outlines to procreate, change the appearance from 'shaded' to 'hidden edges removed' and turn on the Perspective view. After doing that, the appearance of the shapes will change from 3D shapes to only lines. Make the 3D forms as big as possible on the screen and screenshot it. Now import this screenshot to procreate, and now it's ready to start rendering. 


For 3D rendering, I used the same pen and similar colour range as 2D rendering. Most of the progress will be the same, except few parts about light and dimensions. 

Remembering all edges are always dark, I rendered according to the direction of my light source. My light source this is time is in front of the shapes. Use the same mask tool and marker rendering skills.

Always don't forget to name and separate each layers to easily edit it. I also rendered the shapes with the reference in rst DT website for additional help and guidance. 

After doing the first base colour, I then rendered with darker grey colour for more depth and tone, mostly on the edges and bottom of the shapes. 

Next, I added the reflection lines that shows the reflections of colour from objects that are in the room with the shapes. The colour can be any, and I picked dark brown colour. Using the same brush (real marker), I drew several thin lines on the shapes. 

Now, with Soft Clean Air brush and black colour, I added shadows as they make a big difference in 3D rendering. I used this brush with low opacity to get the soft edges. 

Add some highlights to brighten up specific parts. Below are the before and after applying highlights, as you can see, highlights make the shapes to pop-out more. 

Lastly, using mask tool, add drop shadow and marker coloured box to pop these shapes and give some brightness. 

Final piece 

These are the photos of the final finished piece of this project. Since this was my first 3D rendering after completing 2D shapes, it was quite challenging but it was also fun. The shapes looks pretty 3D-like, but I next time I can work on decreasing the amount of time taken.