CAD - Hand Held Whisk Modelling 

This time, I will be creating models of hand held whisks on Onshape. This project will be a good practice of using Onshape for my course works later on. 

Firstly, I created a new project and imported the digital rendered hand held whisk to the front plane. I named it 'scanned sheet' to easily identify it. After that, I created 3 guide lines on the first shape. 

I added 3 new planes on the bottom, middle, and top of the first shape, on the guide lines I drew before. I used the plane tool to create new planes. 

Next, I sketched circles on each planes exactly the size of the design in the scanned sheet. These circles will be the base of the main body of the first design. 

For each circles, the dimensions were set to a whole number. 

loft feature

This is the loft feature on Onshape that creates a 3D shapes using the circles I have made. 

change to normal to profile to match to my original work

Now to create the handle of the shape, I first created another loft with bigger circles. 

20 mm bigger than the original circle 

Add -> New. This separates the handle part and the body part. 

Sketch the handle on the front plane, and using offset tool, create the copy of the sketch of the handle and connect from one end to the other. (This sketch should cover the whole loft shape)

Use extrude tool, and select REMOVE to remove the selected part. 

using the method above, extrude the shape of the handle

to remove unneccesary parts, select the top sketch of the handle. Then use offset tool and adjust the weidth to 0.

I created a hole in the handle for the main body of this shape to fit in, and to do that, I lofted the shape of the main body and selected 'remove' on the handle. 

Fillet tool for softening the edges. 

I had to sketch the line of the handle again to use fillet tool as the separated lines didn't let me use fillet tool on those.

making part 1(body) hallow with shell tool. 

Now, to create the holes on the body for extra features, I sketched the ellipse on the body and removed it using extrude tool. 

Did the same thing, sketch and remove, to make the hole on the side of the body. I then rounded the edges using fillet tool. 

set the length of offset surface to the length of the button. In this case, I picked 4mm.

Now to create the 3D button, I had to create an offset surface on the body. 

Set the offset surface to be transparent to turn it invisible. (offset surfaces aren't able to hide)

make sure it is new in order to separate the button as an individual part

Finished look of button

for the metal part, I sketched the L shape and revolved it.

next, drew circle on the bottom of the revolved shape and extrude 

To create the whisk, sketch the shape and center line

Revolve the sketch to make a strand of whisk. 

Use circular pattern tool to duplicate the revolve in a circular shape. 

To divide the body and the top part, use 'surface' extrude. The extrude should be symmetric and thicker than the body. 

Final product