2D hand held whisks 

Marker Rendering - 2D Hand Held Whisks 

Now that I have practised sketching basic shapes and rendering them with markers, the next stage is to practise and repeat the techniques. I will be practising drawing rendering with marker but with more complex shapes.

These are the shapes I will be rendering with markers. It has more curves than the basic shapes from last few lessons. It also includes some additional features such as handles, buttons, air vents etc. The use of shadows will be particularly important in this practice. 

These are the first few shapes I rendered in the first lesson. I used the same technique as before, outlining all edges with markers, add darker shadows on the right and bottom (again, my light source was on the top left). I also added some lines in the middle and sides of my shape to express the materials of the shapes. The lines I added help people to interpret that the materials used in this shapes are metals. 


For markers, these are the shades I used for the first shape, as shown behind the markers. I used different colours on each shapes, to experiment with the various colours.  

Additionally, I used a black colouring pencil and a white colouring pencil to add deeper shadows and popping highlights. I focused on the edges of the shapes with the black colouring pencil to make the shapes look really 3D - like. 

This is a before and after using black colouring pencil. As you can see, adding extra darker shadow with black colouring pencil works fantastically when rendering. 


Above are some detailed photos of the progress. Completing the whole sheet took me 3 lessons. 

Final product

This is the final finished piece of 2D hand held whisks work. Because of many curves and additional features, rendering this piece wasn't completely easy. However, the final piece turned out nice, but I must be careful with my markers next time. I can see lots of marker lines outside of shapes, and I think this reduces the quality of my work.