Diary of Manufacture

Now, into making progress, below are my diary of manufacturing my mosquito coil holder.

Template printing

In onshape, I printed out the outline of my design to use when I cut my wood

Picking wood

Then, I stuck those onto the wood I picked (I shared wood my friends) 


And finally, cut them into pieces.

Here is Mr Douglas cutting a big chunk of wood into 3 different pieces (layers)

This is the side of the wood layers

Cutting - outside

I first cut all the extra pieces outside the outline

Cutting - inside

To cut the wood inside the outline, I cut the wood with the same method with outside cutting, with the holes Mr Douglas drilled for easier cutting

Final product - cutting


To make the surface of my wood smooth, I sanded my wood with files and sanding papers. 

These are the sanding papers I used for the wood. I used wet & dry and also glass paper.


Before I pour resin, I coated the woods with clear acrylic spary paint to prevent the bubbles forming in resin when it meets wood

Resin pouring 

I made a mixture of part A resin and part B resin with proportion of 2:1. I mixed it really thoroughly to prevent my resin not drying.

After adding some glitters, inks, and other products in the mixture, I poured it in the wood. Then I clumped it with little pieces of acrylic plastic and clumps. I used the acrylic plastic so that when the mixture is dried I will be able to detach it from resin. (resin sticks to wood)

And then I added some dried flowers just like my design idea. 

Sanding - Resin

When all 2 layers of resin dried, I then sanded it just like what I did to my wood before. I used sanding machine, files, and sanding papers. (mostly wet & dry 800 -1000)