Digital - hand mixers challenge 

This time, I now need to digitally create work of the hand mixers I have already done in real life, on paper. Using the advantages of digital sketching, I will be creating line works and some cool rendering works. Below is the digital blue pencil sketch of the designs I am going to digitally work on. 

Fine lining 

The first step of digital rendering in this project is fine lining. 


For the colour of my fine lining work, I only used black.


For the pen, I used the 'technical pen' from the procreate default pen gallery.

The adjustment of streamline and stabilisation in procreate helps drawing smooth lines. With appropriate amount of stabilisation and streamline, I can draw very slick and smooth lines easily. 

Streamline & stabilisation

Thick line 

Applying the 'spider rule' on this project, for thicker line, the thickness of the pen was 4%

Thin line 

The thickness of the pen for thinner lines were 2%

I started the fine lining by fine lining every line with the pen with thickness of 2%. Then, I added extra fine lines only on the parts that are not attached on the same surface, using the spider rule. I fine lined every shapes using the same method, communicating the different dimensions. 

As I fine lined, I created many layers with 2 - 4 groups of shapes. This allows me to edit and show which shapes I would like present. I also named all of those so that it will be easier to search certain shapes. 

Lastly, I added centre line to with the same pen with 1% thickness. 

These are the final fine lined shapes. With the few adjustments in procreate, it was a lot easier to draw and took less time to complete it. 


Going into rendering now, I started with downloading necessary images for texture rendering. Wood textures, metal textures, and plastic textures could be found all in google. 

Below is the process of importing textures and rendering.

Firstly add the desired photo of texture in NEW LAYER to prevent messing all up and not being able to fix it. 

Then, select the part that needs to be rendered using the automatic mask tool. 

After that, click 'invert' button to select every space expect the part of design I just selected.

Go to the layer the photo is in and slide with three fingers to cut the parts that just have been selected, and now we have clean and nice rendered body of this hand mixer !

Since all textures are on the shapes I chose to render, now I have to add shadows and highlights. 

For shadows, I used soft airbrush. For colours, I first used a darker shade of the colour of the surface I'm adding shadow too and added extra darker shadow with black colour to make it more realistic. 

This is how the shape looks with shadows. 

Process of adding shadows 

Now for highlights, I'm using this pen with only white colour. 

Adding highlight really helps the design to look more 3D - like and it makes the designs pop up. Above are one example of the shape with and without highlight. Adding highlight gives a huge difference. 

This is a detail picture of highlight on one of the hand mixers. The highlights really made the flat resin texture to look nicely coated and vanished resin texture. 

Finally, backgrounds. Creating few interesting backgrounds underneath drawings helps drawing attention to the shape. 

Final piece 

This is the final piece of my 2D hand mixers fine lining and rendering - digital version. I like the different textures I used for the designs like metal textures and resin textures. However, at the end I was running out of time so the highlighting and background looks quite messy. If I had enough time, I would add more detailed and clean highlight and more cool features in the background maybe with some more photos I can find in Google.