UNICEF Club: Where Your Donations Go

Ratna Bandaru

During the week of October 23rd, the UNICEF club organized a fundraiser to support Ukraine, but various students were wondering whether and how the funds went to the country’s relief efforts. Due to the pandemic, the UNICEF club had difficulties organizing fundraisers, but now that some of the restrictions have been lifted, they’re back in full swing. They decided to start with the Ukraine fundraiser, which they were unable to coordinate last year. Unfortunately, this caused speculation among the students, raising questions about where the money is going and how it was directed to Ukraine?

In order to clear up the speculation, club advisor Thomas Lester explained that the club usually sends all the money it raises at the end of the year to UNICEF. “The money doesn’t go directly to Ukraine; we send it to UNICEF to use it however they like,” clarified club president Amani Dinar. But this raised more questions: how do we know whether the money will be used to help Ukraine? Lester mentioned that because UNICEF’s current goal is to help Ukraine, the money the club sends in will most likely be used for that. 

But what about future fundraisers? Dinar noted that the club will have its annual Hot Chocolate and Valentine’s Day fundraisers, but hasn’t yet planned which country to send the funds to. However, Dinar says the club can ensure that the funds raised will be directed to their respective causes by filling out a form from UNICEF; Lester and Dinar both feel that they should make the donations more transparent to reduce any skepticism.

Despite some mistrust surrounding the club, it’s a great way to advocate for social change. “I think our club is an important link or first step to living a deliberate life and using your agency and power to make a positive impact on the world in any way you can,” says Lester. Shreya Patel, a member, mentioned that she loves how she can “express ideas and contribute creatively” through the club. UNICEF gives students the opportunity to spark change while raising money for a good cause.

Students fundraise for the Nisky UNICEF Club

Photo Credits: Ratna Bandaru