Lethal Company is Pure Madness

Ziad Richani

Lethal Company is a game on steam created by Zeekers, a game designer known for Roblox horror games.  Lethal Company is a survival horror game where you land on moons and find scrap loot.  You find this scrap to appease ‘The Company’ by meeting the profit quota every few days.  If you don’t reach this profit quota, you get kicked off your ship and get sent into the lonely abyss of space where your save file then gets wiped.  

When you land on a moon, you aren’t alone.  There are several creepy monsters who inhabit that moon and are very hostile towards humans (you and your crew are), some of which only spawn outside at night.  These enemies may include, Circuit bees: an electric bee swarm that chase whoever disturbs it, Hoarding bugs: Bugs that seem docile and take loot until you kill one of them which then all Hoarding bugs gang up on you, and Eyeless dogs: Giant dog-like creatures that cannot see but is very sensitive to sound.  Enemies don’t even have to be sentient, they can simply be turrets or mines that catch people off guard when they are hidden around corners or when they are in your path.  There are a ton more enemies that some of which are specific to certain moons like Coil-head, a statue that only moves when you look away from it, and Jester, a jack-in-the-box looking enemy that will violently chase after anyone who is around it.  To sprinkle salt on the wound, moons can have certain weather conditions that also affect how the game runs.  For example, if a moon is eclipsed, that means it is always night and there will always be enemies outside.  If a moon is stormy, that means any metal object you are holding can get struck with the might of zeus and you will die.

You may be wondering, “How do I defend myself from these creatures?” Well, thankfully the company is nice enough to open up a store in which you can buy shovels to defend yourself with: tasers, stun grenades, etc..  There is also loot on the ground that can be used to defend yourself or lure enemies with. Items can range from a STOP sign (a weaker shovel) and an extremely loud air horn.  Others also have effects like the apparatus that turns off all of the power and opens all of the doors like it’s Five Nights At Freddy’s, releasing whatever was trapped in that room.  It is important to note that when you are collecting scraps, do not think logically for how much an object costs.  For example, an empty bottle of perfume or an empty red soda can cost more than a high powered laser pointer that is 1000x more useful than those other items will ever be.  It is also important to note that items have weight and may require two hands to hold, which can multiply fall damage and limit your ability to perform tasks like climbing up a ladder.

By far the best part of the game is the spatial audio interaction with people.  Spatial audio makes it so that you can’t hear people from far away unless you have a radio (you also can’t hear dead people).  The game changes your voice based on what environment you are in, like the inside of the facility  is echoey and outside is not as echoey.  Your voice may also muffle if you are drowning in water.  This happened to one of my teammates when they slid down a cliff, into a lake, and realized that they couldn’t get back to land, so all my other teammate and I could hear was muffled screams coming from the water.

That was a basic summary of Lethal Company. The game is a survival horror game where you land on moons, find loot to meet the profit quota, and try not to perish by monsters. I highly recommend you play this game as it is very entertaining, hilarious, and has occasional jumpscares.  Here’s the link for anyone interested in buying the game for $9.99: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1966720/Lethal_Company/ 

“Lethal Company” 

Photo credits: Steam

Lethal Company Vow map (outside)

Photo credits: Ziad Richani

Lethal Company inside the Facility (inside)

Photo credits: Ziad Richani