All Members Of Our School Community Must Follow the Mask Mandate

Kristal Lin

As a new school year with not-so-new Covid-19 rules arrives upon us, it is essential for all students and teachers to adhere to the many requirements that were put in place to sustain a safe learning space at Niskayuna High School. From the chaotic first day of school to today, we are reminded on a daily basis to keep our masks on, integrating this policy into our lives. Yet the number of students and even teachers who choose to ignore the mask mandate is rising, as people’s patience races against the clock.

Having spoken to many classmates and teachers, I have come to a realization of where the general trend lies. At the beginning of the school year, students and staff were elated to be back and followed the rules to the best of their ability, but as the year progresses, the amount of willpower declines. It is understandable that students are tempted to resist or are simply tired of constantly having to wear a mask, but when teachers and staff—the role models of the school, and the people who we as students respect and seek knowledge from—are also following suit, the situation becomes a lot more complicated.

From my personal observations, as well as those of my fellow peers, some faculty and staff are not following the mask mandate and it is becoming increasingly disturbing. When students see janitorial staff working with no mask, bus monitors choosing to take off their mask while kids are still finding their way to their designated buses, bus drivers with their masks beneath their noses, or even a higher administrator walking through crowds of students with their mask to the side, it sends a contradictory message. What will be the consequences of that? The staff sets the ground rules and standards for students. Some students felt uncomfortable knowing that members of the high school staff disregarded COVID-19 protocols and perceived their actions to be immature.

One of the most shocking cases of staff neglecting the mask mandate I personally witnessed with a friend was on October 1st, the day of the pep rally and Activities Fair. Repeatedly throughout the day, administrators pressed the importance of wearing our masks properly and keeping them on during the event, even if it was outdoors. A majority of the student body followed these instructions to make the rare occasion safe for everyone around them. At the time of the incident, the students had just been dismissed for the Activities Fair. My friend and I were making our way to the track when we saw an administrator strolling past us with their mask to the side. Needless to say, I found it appalling and infuriating to see such a sight when students were strictly told to keep our masks on in an appropriate manner.

When reading this article, please realize that it was not written to advocate hate, but to serve as a warning and to raise awareness of this situation. As students, we greatly appreciate the precautions that the Niskayuna staff has taken to prevent Covid and keep us safe, but it is clear that some members of our community are being negligent. It is hypocritical for staff to act in this manner and I believe the standards set for students should extend to everyone on campus grounds.