Shared by Gina Dacchille, Community Coordinator of P.S.253

P.S. 253 has a diverse population, representing students from 52 different nations from around the globe. Although we feel each day is a celebration of our unique student body, we are always encouraging our students to think of hands on activities which expand their learning opportunities.

“International Hello Day” came about during a brainstorming session with members of our Student Government Club. Candidates were sharing ideas for their “school spirit” platforms and the question: “how can we better learn about one another” led to a simple and engaging answer. Students proposed a day where they would say hello to each other in their native languages. Students felt this could be the gateway to even more understanding about each other’s heritages. Our first International Hello Day proved to be a wonderful experience where students spoke and wore cards which blended their native country’s flag with their newly adopted American flag – this was a warm reminder of what we have common as well as the beautiful diversity each one of us brings to our school culture.

If you have any questions about the Brooklyn South Advisory Board, please contact Elena Cunneely at Brooklyn South Borough Office at