Eighth Grade 

Church History

Brief Course Description

We will be breaking down the history of the Catholic Church. The course will stretch from the first century A.D. to the modern day.

Beyond the standard curriculum, there will be additional lessons to enhance each student's understanding and appreciation of our Catholic faith, including a comprehensive virtue curriculum and the introduction of The Theology of the Body supplemental curriculum. These additional lessons will include weekly discussions on the upcoming Sunday Lectionary and school Mass Day Lectionary.


Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! I'm so happy to share the Good News with you. Mrs. Richman

March 2024—St. John of God, Review Jeremiah, Lenten Journals, Laetare (Rejoice) Sunday, School-Wide Confessions, School-Wide Stations of the Cross, and ARK reviews begin. Students will discuss mortal and venial sins. 5th -9th Century. Students will have St. Joseph field trip.  Students will continue to walk through Lent, culminating in Holy Week. We will take a deep dive into Jesus' last week in Jerusalem before his ultimate Crucifixion. From Palm Sunday and its meaning - why the people cheered for Jesus on his triumphant ride to their jeers on Good Friday- students will be asked to look closely at their relationship with Christ and their eternity. 

February 2024 -Review Haggai and Ash Wednesday and begin Lenten Journals. St. Thomas Aquinas, NWEA testing for all of Middle School, Candlemass/Groundhog's Day—Catholic Schools Week. Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians. TOB Tuesdays - Students will have Shell Building trips this month. Practice for the Great Debate - Council of Nicaea 2024.

January 2024—Precepts of the Church, REVIEW—Song of Solomon (Wisdom), Isaiah, Baptism of the Lord, Forms of Prayer, St. Francis de Sales. Review of the Ten Commandments. Acts of the Apostles. TOB Tuesdays

December 11- December 22, 2023

Students will continue to walk through the days of Advent and set their new liturgical compass for the year. Students will wrap up the TOB - Vocation lessons and discuss the principles of Human Dignity and forgiveness. Before break, students will have an opportunity to clean out lockers and file folders. We will also continue our journey through the 2-4th Century

November 27 - December 8, 2023

Students will conclude their Q2 projects.  We will also be busy preparing our hearts for Advent. Advent Begins on December 3, 2023. Each day of our Journey, we will read and take part in a Jesse Tree reading(s) and daily blessing book.  We will continue on our march through history with the 4-7th centuries.

November 6 - 17, 2023 - Students will review/examine the Books of Haggai, Malachi, Ezekiel, and Wisdom (following Liturgical Calendar readings). We will conclude the 3rd century. 

We will kick off Christian Help, this will be a lengthy endeavor and will be the 8th grade 2Q project and school-wide semester project. 8th-grade will be in charge of all the designing, planning and implementation of the toy drive. Our goal this year is 600 toys! 

We will examine the practice of Adoration and when a Monstrance is used. We will also watch a Mass Catechesis presented by Monsignor. Our Virtue of the month is Prudence and we'll look at foresight and circumspection. Students will work on a Veteran's Day Lectio Divina and study the Feast Day of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Finally, before our break students will be attending Mrs. Richman's Thanksgiving Charlie Brown Feast!  Have a wonderful break!

 October 16 -November 3, 2023 - Students will wrap up the first quarter. They will continue to discover the Church History after Saul to Paul. We will celebrate St. Luke Feast Day with Father Biju and the Bishop on October 24. Students will be challenged to work on their next project for Christian Help. Please ask your student about what their group has planned. We will close October with a discussion of Halloween history and look forward to learning about All Saints Day and All Souls Day. November is dedicated to All Souls.  Students will also have a monthly lesson with our new counselor - Mrs Finomore. 

October 2-13, 2023 - The first quarter ends October 20

Students will work on 1Q projects. Continue with TOB Tuesdays. Students will work on the first century church history. We will also begin work on our next Virtue of the month - Fortitude. We will discuss the following feast days in the Liturgical Calendar: The Holy Guardian Angels, St. Francis of Assisi, Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Luke, St. Paul of the Cross. Students will also prepare for Bishop Brennan's visit on October 24, 2023. 

September 11-29. Students will continue to examine Church history from St. Peter (the Rock), Saul to Paul.  Students will work on Theology of the body every Tuesday. We will step into the virtue of Patriotism (Sept 14 Star Spangled Banner and Sept 18 Preamble to the Constitution). Students will learn what a Lectio Divina is and how to use it during prayer. Students will also begin working on the in class project. Students will learn about the Feast day of: Exaltation of the Cross, St. Matthew, The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Archangels, and Padre Pio

September 5-8 - This week we will refresh the about the differences of time abbreviations, notebook check of Genesis, and begin talking about how the formation of the Catholic Church, starting with Peter the Rock. Virtue of the week: Self-control.

August 28-September 1 - This week will will go over Bible Basics, Cross referencing when using the Bible, St. Augustine, The Passion of John the Baptist. Students will also review how to receive the Eucharist at Mass.  

August 21-25, 2023 - Policies, Procedures and Protocols. New syllabus and service hours information and acknowledgement form. Mass Prep - The Gloria History. 

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

May 1-5, 2023

May Crowning, 8th grade will play a strong role in the event. Wrap up a lesson on Mother Mary and iconology, Students will work on T3 Projects - Lesson plans and prepare to teach their respective primary class lessons.  

April 28, 2023 - All Middle School Students will be going on a field trip. 

April 26-27, 2023 - May Crowning preparation/lessons/practice. Students will review the Apostles Creed.

April 24-25, 2023 - ARK Testing for all Middle School. 

April 17-21 - All students will play and complete review lessons for the pending ARK test. 

April 7-16 - Easter Break

April 3-6, 2023

Field trip to St. Anthony's Chapel, Holy Week lessons, Lectio Divina, Video of Jesus' trial and last days on earth. 

March 27-31, 2023

Students were introduced to their T3 Virtue project (class time),Lectio Divina lesson, Lesson on Barabbas, 

VOCAB: Grace, Lectio Divina

March 20-24, 2023

Solemnity of St. Joseph (class party/field trip), Annunciation of the Lord, 

March 14-17, 2023

Annual School-wide Reconciliation, Prayer forms and types, Christ is ALIVE Essays, St. Patrick's Day, and Prep for the Solemnity of St. Joseph (3/20)

March 6-10, 2023

Students will continue to examine the CCC in regards to sin and reconciliation and sin. We will also discuss the 7 Capital Sins and how each affects our lives and closeness to God. 

February 27-March 3, 2023

Students this week will continue to read from the Lenten Little Black Book (books are distributed by your local Parish), We will discuss Judas/trustworthiness, Psalm 51, Confessing of sins, Golden Rule, and examine if we are "Sheep or Goats". Additionally, Students will take a closer look at the CCC and sin. We will have our school wide reconciliation March 14 and March 15. 

VOCAB: Rabbi, Passover, loyalty

February 20-24, 2023

The 8th Grade will have a Lenten retreat at the main parish hall. They will experience a comprehensive tour of the sanctuary. We will say goodbye to Ordinary Time on Tuesday until April 29, 2023. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday - What does your Lenten Journey look like?  Conclude the 4th Century and begin the 5th Century, St. Augustine and St. Jerome. 

VOCAB: Recompense, synagogues, 

February 14-17, 2023

We will be refreshing the Prophets and, based on our Mass readings, will refresh the first three covenants (Edenic, Adamic, and Noahic) based on our Mass reading. 8th grade will have a few high school events to attend, and Friday, students will begin to prepare their hearts for Lent. 

VOCAB: Berit

February 6-10, 2023

This week we will continue with the individual parts of the Nicene Creed and how it relates to us today. The 4 Marks of the Church and the 5 Precepts.

VOCAB: Jesuits, Day of Atonement

 January 30-Feb 3, 2023  Happy Catholic Schools Week!  

Message from Bishop Brennan: https://youtu.be/Q_paVxbAc_g

The week is filled with fun activities and dress-downs. St. John Bosco, St. Thomas Aquinas workshop, and one 8th grader will be the school's Aquinas Medal Winner (Thursday's Mass), The Presentation of the Lord, Candlemas, Letter, and videos to Parents. The week takes a closer look at our theological virtues; Faith, Hope, and Charity

VOCAB: Salesians, 

January 23-27, 2023

Prayers for the Protection of the unborn, St. Francis de Sales workshop, Conversion of St. Paul, Sts. Timothy and Titus (St. Paul's right hand men), finish review of 10 Commandments, and the GREAT DEBATE: The Council of Nicaea. Students will be divided into groups Pro-Constantine and Pro Arius, students will research and use a standard debate forum. 

VOCAB: Transfiguration

January 16-20, 2023 

St. Anthony Abbot (The Great/Egypt), St. Fabian, 4 Century Notes, Canon of Scripture, and additional Old Orthodox Catholic book in the Old Testament.

VOCAB: Monasticism, Consubstantial, gratitude, generosity

January 9-13, 2023

The Virtue of the Month: Justice (Kindness and Affability), Continue review of the Ten Commandments, The Baptism of the Lord, Begin Ordinary Time (1/10/23), St. Hilary, Bishop and Dr. of the Church. 

Review 3rd Century and begin 4th Century, Constantine, Council of Nicaea. 

VOCAB: Justice, Affability, Kindness

January 3-6, 2023

Welcome Back!  Liturgical season discussion about Advent, Christmastide (Time), and Ordinary Time. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Review of the Ten Commandments and discuss the Greatest Commandments. Mass this week will be the Twelfth Day of Christmas and the Memorial Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Work on discussing the 3rd Century.

VOCAB: Sacrilege, 

December 12-16, 2022

This week; Advent Calendar updates, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Lucy, St. John of the Cross, Closed 2nd Century. 

December 5 - 9, 2022

This week; Immaculate Conception, St. Nicholas, St. Ambrose, St. Juan Diego (busy week). We will continue our walk through the 2nd Century and start the 3rd Century.

VOCAB: Docility, Intercession, Real Presence, 

November 28 - Dec 2, 2022

Advent begins, Jesse Tree and who is Jesse, Continue notes on 2nd Century, St. Andrew (11/30), Continue working independently on your country's Advent traditions project, and Circumspection/foresight CatChat.

November 21-23, 2022

Presentation for Carlo Acutis, Preparation for Advent and the closing of the Liturgical year, Eucharist = Thanksgiving. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Feast (11/23)

November 14-18, 2022

11/14 - Final presentations and revisions of Pope Project. Video about Prudence (GC)

11/15 - Mass, Return Project papers for discussions, Carlo Acutis Research

11/16 - Carlo Acutis Project

11/17 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary

11/18 - The Dedication of the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles

Bell Ringer Vocab: Prudence, Foresight, Ciborium, Christ the King

November 7-11, 2022

11/7 - Teacher/student meetings on Project; while conferences are going on, Students will research The Council of Calcedon (Leo the Great); Thursday's Mass is his Memorial Day.  

11/8 - Students will be on a Field Trip - no class

11/09 - Cont. St. Leo The Great, Pope Presentations (if necessary)

11/10 - Mass, revisions on project, Presentations

11/11 - Veterans Day - Presentations

The virtue of the week - Patriotism

Bell Ringer Vocab - Patriotism, hypostatic Union

October 31 - November 4, 2022

10/31 - Hallow's Eve discussion/worksheet

11/01 - All Saints Day, Mass, and class parties.

11/02 - All Souls Day discussion/worksheet

11/03 - Notes and Pope Project (make-up from Pumpkin drop day)

11/04 - Last day to work on Pope Project

Bell Ringer Vocab: Halloween, All Saints, All Souls Day, Absolution

October 24-28, 2022

10/24 - New Virtues, Mass review from Sunday and Mass 10/27

10/25 - Virtus Training

10/26 - Christian Help Service Project 

10/27 - Christian Help Service Project

10/28 - Class Pope Project time

Bell Ringer Vocab - All Saints Day, All Souls Day, supplication, purgatory, 

October 17-21, 2022

10/17 - Teacher Workday

10/18 - Feast Day of St. Luke Mass. Four Square Gospel Notes (Matthew and Mark)

10/19 - Four square Gospel Notes (Luke and John)

10/20 - Paul's letters to 2 Corinthians and Romans (55-56 AD) search.

10/21 - Pope Project, full resource page due today in Google Classroom. 

Vocabulary: Evangelist, acedia, Ave Maria,

October 10-14, 2022

10/10 - 10/09 Mass Gospel Review, Volunteers for 10/13 Mass, 

10/11 - Paul's 2 Thessalonians and 1 Corinthians worksheet/scripture search.

10/12 - Safety Drill review, finish any outstanding class assignments.

10/13 - Mass review, Work on resource Pope Page. 

10/14 - Pope Project class work time.  Peer Review

October 3-7, 2022

10/03 - Council of Jerusalem 

10/04 - No 4th period class today as students had Digital Do's and Don'ts. 3rd period caught up with 4th period.

10/05 - Rosary prayer, Perseverance, Scripture search, and writing

10/06 - Apostles Creed, Rosary Prayer

10/07 - Introduce T1 project, and begin research

VOCAB: Perseverance, Industriousness, Gentiles,  Fortitude

September 26-30, 2022

9/26 - Mass review of 9/25, Mass Prep for 9/30, New Virtue: Moderation

9/27 - Galatians (48-49 AD) and 1 Thessalonians (49-50 AD) -  Paul's letters, worksheet. 

9/28 - Council of Jerusalem

9/29 - Worksheets on the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels, and review the Memorial of Saint Jerome, Priest, and Doctor of the Church.

9/30 - Mass and Grandparents Day - no classes

Bell Ringer Vocab - Divine Providence, Archangels, Moderation, Humility

September 19-23, 2022

9/19 - Review Mass from 9/18 (Serving two Masters), Humility versus Vanity, Review Mass for 9/22.  Finished class work, "Something happened on the way to Damascus."

9/20 - Present Damascus paper to class

9/21 - Paul's First Mission

9/22 - Paul's Missions

9/23 - Paul's Missions

Vocabulary - Vanity, Attributes, Beatification, Canonization

September 12-16, 2022

Mass Prep for FRIDAY - Bishop’s Mass  - WEAR RED!!!!! It’s a martyr Mass. 

9/12 - Reviewed 9/11 Mass' Gospel message, Intro to new virtues: Meekness/Orderliness, CCC on Magisterium. Preview this upcoming Mass with the Bishop - Wear your RED!

9/13 - From Saul to Paul - Intro to St. Paul and his missions.

9/14 - Paul Continued

9/15 - Paul Continued

9/16 - Paul's First Journey  - interactive map

Bell Ringer Vocabulary - Divine Inspiration, Magisterium, attributes, martyr, meekness, and orderliness.

September 6 - 9, 2022

Mass Prep for Thursday - WEAR WHITE for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We celebrate Mary's birth on this day. This week students will chat about the Temperance virtue of honesty and what it means to make this a habit. 

9/6 -  Walking in Jesus' Footsteps, Peter Video, Quiz Party

9/7  - Peter's Journey, map, and home in Capernaum.

9/8 - Honesty/Trustworthiness scriptures, writing. Mass review, and virtuous classmate writing. 

9/9 - Special presentation by Dr. Alex

Bell Ringer Vocabulary - Honesty, Divine Revelation,  Devine Inspiration, Covenant

August 29-September 2, 2022

This week students will begin a new sub-Virtue under the Cardinal Virtue - Temperance. We will focus on Self-Control all week and what it means to be to conduct ourselves in an orderly manner. 

8/29 - Introduction to the Virtue Lesson, review of 8/28 Gospel message, and look forward to Thursday's Mass and message. Volunteers for readers, gifts, and Alter Servers. If you are a reader, it is imperative you practice the passage before Mass on Thursday.  CCC-1700 Human Dignity, "CatChat" on dignity.

8/30 - "Why I believe" final review before curriculum starts

8/31-  Church History the beginning

9/1 - Mass today, Beatitude CatChat, Church History - The Spirital Center, Vatican City - Rome

9/2 - Church History - Rome (Continued)

"Bell Ringer VOCAB" - Beatitudes, Temperance, Self-Control, Modesty, Transubstantiation, calumnious

August 23-26, 2022

This week will discuss procedures, protocols, and policy!  Mass this week will be on August 25, 2022.  Students will begin discussing in detail the virtue: Temperance - Modesty.

8/23 - Into to Syllabus, materials (pass school-issued Bible), and new Virtue (Modesty) of the week  

8/24 - Refresh the Catholic Mass, and play the Virtue game.  

8/25 - Mass.  School Safety procedures, invites to Google Classroom, Label Binders.

8/26 - Explore the Website resources, and put together binders.

" Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."  Don Marquis

Week of May 16-May 20, 2022

5/16/22-Service Hours Due

5/17/22-Class Reflection

5/18/22-Religion Class Wrap-up

5/19/22-Graduation Practice


Week of May 9, 2022-May 13, 2022

5/9/22-The 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church

5/10/22-The 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church

5/11/22-The 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church

Week of May 2, 2022-May 6, 200

5/2/22-Project Presentations

5/3/22-Bishop Schmitt

5/4/22-Review Game and Check-in

5/5/22-Gifts of the Holy Spirit


Week of April 25,2022-April 29,2022

4/25/22-Bishop Schulte

4/26/22-ARK Test

4/27/22-Project Presentations

4/28/22-Project Presentations

Week of April 18,2022-April 22, 2022

4/18/22-No School-Easter Break

4/19/22-No School-Easter Break

4/20/22-Bishop Hodges

4/21/22-Bishop Hodges Check-in

4/22/22-No Class 8th Grade Field Trip

Week of April 11, 2022-April 15,2022

4/11/22-Project Work

4/12/22-Easter Activity

4/13/22-Last Supper Activity

4/14/22-No School-Easter Break

4/15/22-No School Easter Break

Week of April 4, 2022-April 8,2022

4/4/22-Bishop Swint

4/5/22-Bishop Swint

4/6/22-Bishop Swint

4/7/22-History of Holy Week/ Spring Trimester Project Introduction

Week of March 28, April 1, 2022

3/28/22-Bishop Donahue

3/29/22-Bishop Donahue

3/30/22-Bishop Donahue

3/31/22-Bishop Donahue Check-in

4/1/22-8th Grade Spanish Field Trip

Week of March 21, 2022-March 25, 2022

3/21/22-Diocese in Transition

3/22/22-Diocese in Transition

3/23/22-Diocese in Transition

3/24/22-Solemnity of the Annunciation

3/25/22-Diocese in Transition Check-in

Week of March 14, 2022-March 18, 2022

3/14/22-No School Teacher Workday

3/15/22-Empowering God's Children Safe Environment Lessons

3/16/22-History of St. Patrick's Day

3/17/22-St. Patrick's Day Party at Top Golf

3/18/22-St. Patrick's Day Check-in

Week of March 7,2022-March 11, 2022

3/7/22-Creation of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston

3/8/22-Creation of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston

3/9/22-Creation of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston

3/10/22-Creation of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston and Rosary

3/11/22-Creation of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Check-in

Week of February 28,2022-March 4, 2022

Monday 2/28/22-Catholic Church in the 1970's and Pope John Paul II

Tuesday 3/1/22-Catholic Church in the 1970's and Pope John Paul II

Wednesday 3/2/22-Catholic Church in the 1970's and Pope John Paul II

Thursday 3/3/22-Catholic Church in the 1970's and Pope John Paul II

Friday 3/4/22-Catholic Church in the 1970's and Pope John Paul II Check-in

Week of February 21, 2022-February 25,2022

Monday 2/21/22-History of Lent

Tuesday 2/22/22-History of Lent

Wednesday 2/23/22-History of Lent

Thursday 2/24/22-History of Lent

Friday 2/25/22-History of Lent Check-in

Week of February 14, 2022-February 18,2022

Monday 2/14/22-No School-Teacher Workday  SERVICE HOURS DUE 2/17/22-NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!

Tuesday 2/15/22-Catholic Church in the 1960's and Vatican II

Wednesday 2/16/22-Catholic Church in the 1960's and Vatican II

Thursday 2/17/22-Catholic Church in the 1960's and Vatican II Check-in

Friday 2/18/22-No Class MSA Activity

Week of February 7, 2022-February 11, 2022

Monday 2/7/22- Catholic Hero Worksheet

Tuesday 2/8/22-Catholic History of Valentine's Day

Wednesday 2/9/22-Catholic History of Valentine's Day

Thursday 2/10/22-Catholic History of Valentine's Day

Friday 2/11/22-Catholic History of Valentine's Day Check-in

Week of January 31, 2022-February 4, 2022

Monday 1/31/22-Catholic Schools Week-Saint Katharine Drexel

Tuesday 2/1/22-Catholic Schools Week-Sister Blandina

Wednesday 2/2/22-Catholic Schools Week-Pope Francis and Career Day Saints

Thursday 2/3/22-Catholic Schools Week-Saint Thomas Aquinas

Friday 2/4/22-Catholic Schools Week-St. Francis Parent Letter

Week of January 24, 2022-January 28, 2022

Monday 1/24/22-St. Francis de Sales Project

Tuesday 1/25/22-St. Francis de Sales Project

Wednesday 1/26/22-Catholic Church in the Civil Rights Movement

Thursday 1/27/22-Catholic Church in the Civil Rights Movement-Check-in Tomorrow

Friday 1/28/22-Check-in

Week of January 17, 2022-January 21, 2022

Monday 1/17/2022-No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday 1/18/2022-Catholic Church and the Civil Rights Movement

Wednesday 1/19/22-Catholic Church and the Civil Rights Movement

Thursday 1/20/22-St. Francis de Sales Project

Friday 1/21/22-St. Francis de Sales Worksheet

Week of January 10, 2022-January 14, 2022

Monday 1/10/22- The Feast of the Baptism of our Lord

Tuesday 1/11/22- Catholic Church in the 1950's

Wednesday 1/12/22- Catholic Church in the 1950's

Thursday 1/13/22-Catholic Church in the 1950's Review Game and Check-in Tomorrow

Friday 1/14/22-Review Game and Check-in

Week of January 3, 2022-January 7,2022



Wednesday 1/5/22-Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Thursday 1/6/22-Feast of the Epiphany

Friday 1/7/22-Snow Day-See Google Classroom

Week of December 20, 2021-December 24, 2021

Monday 12/20/2021-Presentations

Tuesday 12/21/2021-Name 5

Wednesday 12/22/2021-Christmas Ornaments

Thursday 12/23/2021-NO SCHOOL

Friday 12/24/2021-NO SCHOOL

Week of December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Monday 12/13/2021-History of Advent

Tuesday 12/14/2021-History of Advent

Wednesday 12/15/2021-History of Advent

Week of December 6, 2021-December 10, 2021

Monday 12/6/2021-Feast Day of St. Nicholas

Tuesday 12/7/2021-Winter Trimester Mini-Project Assigned-Due December 16, 2021

Wednesday 12/8/2021-DISTANCE LEARNING DAY-Work on Mini Project that is due December 16, 2021

Thursday 12/9/2021-Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception- Game and Check-in tomorrow

Friday 12/10/2021-Review Game and Check-in

Week of November 29, 2021-December 3, 2021

Monday 11/29/2021-No School-Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday 11/30/2021-Catholic Church during World War 2

Wednesday 12/1/2021-Catholic Church during World War 2

Thursday 12/2/2021-Catholic Church during World War 2

Friday 12/3/2021-Catholic Church during World War 2 Review Game & Check-in

Week of November 22, 2021-November 26, 2021

Monday 11/22/2021-Catholic Church in the 1920's and 1930's Review Game and Check-in

Tuesday 11/23/2021-Catholic History of Thanksgiving

Wednesday 11/24/2021-No School-Thanksgiving Break

Thursday 11/25/2021-No School-Thanksgiving Break

Friday 11/26/2021-No School-Thanksgiving Break

Week of November 15, 2021-November 19, 2021

Monday 11/15/2021-Catholic Church in the 1920's and 1930's

Tuesday 11/16/2021-Catholic Church in the 1920's and 1930's

Wednesday  11/17/2021-Catholic Church in the 1920's and 1930's

Thursday 11/18/2021-Catholic Church in the 1920's and 1930's

Friday 11/19/2021-NO CLASS 8TH GRADE FIELD TRIP!

Week of November 8, 2021-November 12, 2021

Monday 11/8/2021- Mrs. Evans Memorial Mass

Tuesday 11/9/2021-Church History Documentary

Wednesday 11/10/2021-Church History Documentary

Thursday 11/11/2021-No School-Veteran's Day

Friday 11/12/2021-No School Parent Teacher Conferences

Week of November 1, 2021-November 5, 2021

Monday 11/1/2021- All Saints Day     SERVICE HOURS DUE TOMORROW!!!!!

Tuesday 11/2/2021- Independent work on Project

Wednesday 11/3/2021- Independent work on Project   PROJECTS DUE TOMORROW!!!!!

Thursday 11/4/2021-Project Presentations

Friday 11/5/2021-Project Presentations

Week of October 25, 2021-October 29, 2021

Monday 10/25/2021-No School

Tuesday 10/26/2021-The Catholic History of Halloween

Wednesday 10/27/2021-The Catholic History of Halloween

Thursday 10/28/2021-The Catholic History of Halloween

Friday 10/29/2021- MSA Pumpkin Roll

Week of October 18, 2021-Octber 22, 2021

Monday 10/18/2021-Fall Trimester Mini-Project Assigned-Due 11/4/2021

Tuesday 10/19/2021-The Catholic Church through 1915

Wednesday 10/20/2021-The Catholic Church through 1915

Thursday 10/21/2021-The Catholic Church through 1915

Friday 10/22/2021-Catholic Church through 1915 Check-in

Week of October 11, 2021-October 15, 2021

Monday 10/11/2021- The History of the Rosary

Tuesday 10/12/2021-The History of the Rosary

Wednesday 10/13/2021-The History of the Rosary

Thursday 10/14/2021- The History of the Rosary

Friday 10/15/2021-Review Game and Check-in

Week of October 4, 2021-October 8, 2021

Monday 10/4/2021- No School-Teacher Workday

Tuesday 10/5/2021-The Catholic Church through 1815

Wednesday 10/6/2021-The Catholic Church through 1815

Thursday 10/7/2021-The Catholic Church through 1815-Check-in tomorrow

Friday 10/8/2021-The Catholic Church through 1815 Review Game and Check-in

Week of September 27, 2021-October 1, 2021

Monday 9/27/2021- We began The Church in Changing World

Tuesday 9/28/2021-The Church in the Changing World

Wednesday 9/29/2021-The Church in the Changing World

Thursday 9/30/2021-The Church in the Changing World

Friday 10/1/2021-The Church in the Changing World Review Game and Check-in

Week of September 20, 2021-September 24, 2021

Monday 9/20/2021-The Church in the Renaissance

Tuesday 9/21/2021-The Church in the Renaissance

Wednesday 9/22/2021-The Church in the Renaissance

Thursday 9/23/2021-The Church in the Renaissance

Friday 9/24/2021-The Church in the Renaissance Review Game and Check-in

Week of September 13, 2021-September 17, 2021

Monday 9/13/2021-We began Church in Crisis and Change

Tuesday 9/14/2021-Church in Crisis and Change

Wednesday 9/15/2021-Church in Crisis and Change

Thursday 9/16/2021-Church in Crisis and Change

Friday 9/17/2021-In-Class Activity for Church in Crisis and Change

Week of September 6, 2021-September 10, 2021

Monday 9/6/2021-No School Labor Day

Tuesday 9/7/2021-Christians in the High Middle Ages

Wednesday 9/8/2021-The Crusades

Thursday 9/9/2021-Christians in the High Middle Ages

Friday 9/10/2021-Christians in the High Middle Ages Check-in

Week of August 30, 2021-September 3, 2021

Monday 8/30/2021-Christians in the Early Middle Ages

Tuesday 8/31/2021-Christians in the Early Middle Ages

Wednesday 9/1/2021-Christians in the Early Middle Ages

Thursday 9/2/2021-Christians in the Early Middle Ages

Friday 9/3/2021-Review Game and Knowledge Check-in

Week of August 23, 2021-August 27, 2021

Monday 8/23/2021- Mass Review Game and Class Check-In

Tuesday 8/24/2021-Early Church History-Formation of the Church

Wednesday 8/25/2021-Christians in the Roman Empire

Thursday 8/26/2021-Christians in the Roman Empire

Friday 8/27/2021-Christians in the Roman Empire Review Game and Check-in

Week of August 16, 2021-August 20, 2021

Tuesday 8/17/2021-  Getting to know you activity

Wednesday 8/18/2021- Syllabus Review

Thursday 8/19/2021-Catholic Mass Review

Friday 8/20/21- Catholic Mass Review

8th Grade Religion

History of the Catholic Church

Miss Dia Fortney

Email: dfortney@sfccs.org

School Phone: 304-291-5070

Teacher website

Course Description

This year we will study the history of the Catholic Church from its inception through present day. We will begin the year focusing on how the early church began, and then move on to church history and doctrine.  We will also study and discuss how the church uses morality and social teachings to aid its followers in their faith journeys.

Throughout the school year, we will plan and lead school liturgies, plan and participate in class prayer services, and take time to develop and focus on our relationship with God.

Information regarding service hours will be provided at a later date.

Course Materials

Catholic Student Edition Bible

We Live Our Faith As Members of the Church Textbook



Good Attitude


To allow each student to reach his/her full potential, all middle school students will be held to the same set of expectations.  I expect students to treat faculty, classmates, property, and themselves with respect.  Students are also expected to use their Chromebooks for academic use only.  The classroom discipline policy for the students in this course is consistent with the Middle School Student Discipline Policy and the Student Behavior/Discipline Expectations in the Parent-Student Handbook (pages 33-34).


The assignments for this course are divided into three weighted categories.  

St. Francis follows the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Grading Scale Policy.

A+ = 100 A = 99-­94 A-­ = 93 

B+ = 92 B = 91­-86 B­- = 85 

C+ = 84 C = 83-­78 C­- = 77 

D+ = 76 D = 75­-70 D­- = 69 

F = 68­-Below  

All work is expected to be handed in on time.  Grades will be posted in RenWeb.  Please be sure that both you and your child have access to the system.  Missing or late work will be identified in RenWeb.  A zero will be recorded until the work is submitted.  If a student misses an assignment due date, the grade will receive 10% off the earned grade for the first day it is late, 20% for the second day, 30% for the third day, 40% for the fourth day, and 50% for the fifth day.  Beyond that, late or missing assignments will result in a zero.


Both in-class and homework assignments  will be posted in Google Classroom.  Students may also check with me before or after school to confirm their missing assignments from an absence. The absence policy for this class is consistent with the Student Work Policy in the 2020-2021 Parent-Student Handbook (page 29).

Student Work during Vacations/Planned Absences: Parents are encouraged to schedule trips or family outings during long weekends and holiday times to eliminate the need to interrupt a child’s learning process. Missed assignments are the student’s responsibility. Arrangements must be made with each teacher regarding missed assignments. Scheduled assessments (quizzes, tests, projects) are expected to be completed upon the students return. Students are expected to use Google Classroom and the middle school website to help keep up with their work while they are away. Not all assignments may be given in advance. If assignments are given in advance, the work is due upon the students return to school.

Student Work Policy due to Illness: When a student is absent, a parent may call the school office before 8:30 AM to arrange for homework assignments. Homework assignments may be picked up at the school office between 3:00 - 3:30 PM or sent home with a sibling/friend. Students may also receive missed assignments from their teacher when they return to school. Students are allotted the number of sick days absent to turn in missing assignments that were assigned during their absence. Upon return, scheduled assessments (quizzes, tests, projects) will be delayed one school day unless a student is prepared to take the assessment on that day.